I have a question regarding the network configuration required for the RTCM plugin.
Which firewall rules are required?
As far as I understand it currently from the manual and the interface the Plugin always acts as server and the client initializes a TCP connection (to the specified port (e.g. 2101)). Streaming/Casting (server streams to a particular IP) is not implemented. Is this correct?
NtripClient will be accepted by and receive data from an NtripCaster, if the NtripClient sends
the correct request message (TCP connection to the specified NtripCaster IP and listening Port)
Hi @q-wertz, please find our support team’s answer below:
“When using NTRIP client on the same PC as Skydel instance running RTCM plugin, usually no firewall configuration is required because connection between the client and the caster is performed on localhost ( When the client is another device in the network you need to enable the setting “Accept connections from other PCs in network” and also configure your firewall to allow incoming TCP connections on the selected port). For NTRIP client the plugin acts as NTRIP caster (which is a TCP server in terms of TCP protocol). “NTRIP server” part is not exposed in any way and not visible for the client. Also it is currently not possible to use the plugin as NTRIP server to cast the data to external NTRIP caster. So the plugin doesn’t initiate any outcoming connections.”