Skydel Release Notes
Release 24.12.1
- The file path is now correctly shown in the Advanced Jammer IQ File dialog.
- Wavefront output is now correctly cleared on New config.
Release 24.12.0
This is the last version of Skydel that will officially support Ubuntu 18 and 20
Future versions will only support Ubuntu 22 and 24.
New Features:
- GNSS Signals: A Dynamic Range Offset can now be used to configure the power range of GNSS signals.
- LEO Signal: Added the Xona PULSAR X1 signal.
- RF Feedback: Added an option to broadcast information about RF streaming states over the network.
- Added Advanced IMU plug-in with error models (license required).
- Added Rinex Observation Logger plug-in.
- Basic and Advanced Jammer signal configuration dialogs are now more uniform.
- Custom Signal functionality has been fully integrated into the Plug-in architecture.
- Added ability to automatically select GPU assignment of outputs to improve load balancing.
- “Satellite Not Present” label in health pages has been standardized.
- Moved the Basic IMU plugin setting page to Settings > Vehicle.
- NavIC S signal can now be used when the RTCM plugin is enabled.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when the C++ API tried to read a round double bigger than 2147483647.
- Vehicle orientation is no longer forced to zero when importing a configuration that includes a track without orientation.
- Vehicle antenna gain is now correctly applied to interference signals in a larger frequency range.
- Loading a configuration file with IQ file paths no longer clears its contents.
- A satellite’s transmitted PRN list is now correctly displayed on pages with the SV ID spinbox widget.
- Plug-in setting pages with identical titles are now handled properly.
- The Galileo INAV parity vector is now updated when the IOD changes.
- Fixed a performance regression when using Spoofers.
Remote API version 47:
Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]DynamicRangeOffset: Set/Get the GNSS dynamic range offset.
- [Set/Get]MessageModificationToPulsarX1: Set (or Modify) event to change PULSAR X1 message bits.
- [Set/Get]PulsarX1HealthForSV: Set/Get the PULSAR X1 health for a satellite.
- [Set/Get]PulsarX5HealthForSV: Set/Get the PULSAR X5 health for a satellite.
- [Set/Get]PulsarX1AccuracyIntegrityForSV: Set/Get the PULSAR X1 accuracy integrity flag for a satellite.
- [Set/Get]PulsarX5AccuracyIntegrityForSV: Set/Get the PULSAR X5 accuracy integrity flag for a satellite.
- EnableAutomaticGpuAllocation/IsAutomaticGpuAllocationEnabled: Enable (or disable) automatic GPU allocation to outputs.
Removed Commands:
- AddCustomSignal was replaced by EnablePlugin.
- RemoveCustomSignal was replaced by EnablePlugin.
- RemoveAllCustomSignals was replaced by EnablePlugin.
- GetVisibleSV: Now supported when the simulation is not started.
- SetInterferenceCW and SetInterferenceChirp: Now report invalid arguments as intended.
- ConnectSerialPortReceiver: Is not broadcasted to Wavefront instances anymore.
- EnablePlugin: Now no longer fails when an invalid plugin is deactivated.
- ExecuteGpuBenchmark: Now supports benchmark with 5 echoes.
- SetGlonassEphDoubleParamForSV: Now allow to set a parameter to all GLONASS satellites.
Any Feedback?
- Click on Help > Leave Feedback to let us know what you think of Skydel, suggest features, or share ideas to improve your experience.
Release 24.9.1
- A detailed error message is now logged when an invalid rate or central frequency is used on a Dektec output.
- Removing or overriding a multipath with a different identifier now resets the accumulated doppler.
- Updated the Skydel end-user license agreement.
- Spoofer instances can now properly add a Spoofer output on GSG systems.
Release 24.9.0
New Features:
- A new Galileo E1 signal can now be generated with an Inter-Modulation term.
- Basic signal filtering using a default low-pass filter is now available.
- Clock Correction can now be configured for Custom Signals.
- FDMA can now be configured for Custom Signals.
- Configuration Mode is now available.
- Increased the number of echoes per signal from 4 to 5 on each satellite.
- Rural, Suburban and Urban multipath propagation model environments have been integrated into the GUI.
- Leave Feedback option is now available in the Help menu.
- Upgrade Skydel link is now available in the Help menu.
- When importing a GLONASS RINEX file, the valid simulation start time range is displayed.
- The default OSNMA Merkle Tree begin date is now set to the start of the Galileo sub-frame.
- More information is provided about the ID format when adding a Custom Signal.
- Increased the number of maximum echoes per signal from 4 to 5 on each satellite.
- Custom Signals are now available for the GLONASS constellation.
- The ECEF position is now displayed and improved in the Vehicle page for Fixed and Circular trajectories.
- The S Band central frequency is now calibrated on X300 and N310.
- The RSF Field of NavIC is now configurable.
- Increased the maximum supported value of Galileo eccentricity to 0.5.
- Updated the M-Code interface to version 10.
- Increased the default power for QZSS Custom Signals.
- The GPU benchmark now uses the ExecuteGpuBenchmark command.
- Corrected the QZSS L1CB subcarrier.
- Cancelling a save while quitting no longer closes Skydel.
- The invalid path dialog no longer appears if the IQ file path stored in the configuration does not exist.
- Fixed a crash where a SetModulationTarget command is sent with a DTA output type when the output type is not DTA.
- Improved UI performance in Idle mode when XONA XL is selected.
- The Merkle Tree root field in OSNMA settings is now copyable at runtime.
- Runtime commands in Wavefront mode are no longer sent to disabled nodes.
- Fixed a crash when removing a multipath during the simulation.
- P-Code signals can now be simulated even if a Y-Code library is set in Preferences.
- Fixed the OSNMA COP value after an ephemeris update.
- The simulation now waits for all plug-ins to be initialized before starting.
- Corrected the timestamp in IQ XML files.
- Basic Interferences now have the same central frequency limits as Advanced Jammers.
- Advanced Jamming central frequency limit increased to 6 GHz.
- Fixed the Galileo INAV parity vector in word types 17 to 20.
- Galileo INAV Reduced Clock and Ephemeris Data are now broadcasted based on word type 16 transmission time.
Remote API version 46:
Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]SbasEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV: Set/Get the ephemeris reference time for an SBAS satellite.
- [Set/Get]SignalFilterAssignation: Set/Get filters to signals by name.
- [Set/Get]InterModulation: Set/Get the inter-modulation coefficient for this signal component.
- [Set/Get]PropagationModelParameters: Set/Get the parameters for a certain propagation model.
- [Set/Get]CurrentPropagationModel: Set/Get the current propagation model.
Removed Commands:
- [Set/Get]MessageModificationToGpsMNav.
- Navigation message family key “GPS_MNAV”.
- EncryptionSignalType enum value “M_CODE”.
Added Structures:
- SignalWithComponent: A signal with an optional component.
- PropagationModelType enum: The type of multipath propagation model, can be “Rural”, “Suburban”, “Urban” or “Manual”.
- SetModulationTarget: No longer supports the “WF” type (deprecated in v20.2).
- GetMultipathForID: Now returns the same signal keys as other commands.
- GetEnabledSignalsForSV: Now returns the same signal keys as other commands.
- ChangeModulationTargetSignals: Now returns an error when the sampling rates min and max don’t form a valid combination.
Release 24.6.0
New Features:
- Added NTP server as scenario start time option.
- Added QZSS L6 signal (only L6D).
- Added NavIC L1 signal.
- Added NavIC S signal.
- Users can now update invalid file paths saved in the configuration.
- Support GPSDO on UHD radios when using a timing receiver.
- Feedback now provided when AWGN interference bandwidth is too large to fit into output.
- The NavIC IODEC value is now properly incremented when the ephemeris is updated.
- In, CRS is now properly parsed instead of CRC.
- Trajectory imports from an NMEA file now accept talker IDs from all constellations.
- Importing a GLONASS rinex with missing records no longer causes a crash.
- Custom signals with central frequencies between some default bands no longer causes a crash.
Remote API version 45:
- Migration from Sdx::optional to std::optional in the C++ remote API.
Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]QzssL6HealthForSV: Set/Get the QZSS L6 health for a sattelite.
- [Set/Get]NavICL1HealthForSV: Set/Get the NavIC L1 health for a sattelite.
- [Set/Get]NavICSHealthForSV: Set/Get the NavIC S health for a sattelite.
- [Set/Get]NtpServer: Set/Get the connection parameters for the NTP Server from which the simulator will get the simulation start time.
- EnableNtpClient/IsNtpClientEnabled: Enable (or disable) connections to an NTP server.
- GetConfigPaths: Command can now be used at runtime.
- GetVehicleTrajectory: Command can now be used at runtime.
- GetCommandHandlerDataSets: Command can now be used at runtime.
- GetLastLeapSeccondDate: Command can now be used at runtime.
- GetOfficialLeapSeccond: Command can now be used at runtime.
Release 24.4.1
- Improved CDM-7 initialization time.
- Signal selection can no longer be wrongly invalidated when forcing a central frequency using ChangeModulationTargetSignals.
- The spectrum has been corrected when Gaussian noise is enabled on an output with no signal.
- Spoofer instances can now properly create a Spoofer output on a GSG-8.
- Corrected an issue that sometimes caused the simulation to stop IQ file streaming when using Spoofers.
- Removed Gaussian noise from the signal selection dialog on Spoofer instances.
Release 24.4.0
New Features:
- Support for Galileo E1 OSNMA.
- Ability to post remote API commands with a GPS time timestamp.
- New and improved user manual.
- Contextual help now available from the navigation bar.
- Gaussian Noise power level for GNSS outputs is now configurable via the Signal Selection dialog.
- Plug-ins are now persistent and do not need to be instantiated in every configuration.
- Python remote API to be installed with pip.
- PPS OUT Delay Preference removed when X300 is unavailable on the current platform.
- Removed Anechoic Chamber output type.
- BeiDou RINEX now imports properly without LEAP SECOND line in header.
- Fixed a memory issue when using the raw logging at 1kHz in None.
- Track trajectory with Spoofer is now properly supported.
- Fixed recording timing issue during Wavefront initial calibration.
- Advanced jammers no longer add too much gaussian noise on Dektec SDRs.
- Included propagation delay button in General Settings for Glonass and SBAS constellations.
- Fixed issue where NMEA logging was not always reflecting the current output configuration.
- Fixed a Shared LO synthesizer initialization error on Wavefront systems with fewer than 4 bands.
Remote API version 44:
Added Commands:
- GetCurrentConfigPath: Get the config file path currently used by Skydel.
- EnableDektecAdjustedNoise/IsDektecAdjustedNoiseEnabled: Adjusts the Advanced Jammer IQ data amplitude on the Dektec output.
- [Set/Get]GaussianNoisePowerDensityOffset: Set/Get the Noise Power Density Offset (dB/Hz) on a GNSS output.
- BeginSpoofTxTrackDefinition: Begins a new spoofer track definition.
- PushSpoofTxTrackEcef: Push a spoofer track ECEF node.
- PushSpoofTxTrackEcefNed: Push a spoofer track ECEF and NED attitude node.
- EndSpoofTxTrackDefinition: Completes the track started with the BeginSpoofTxTrackDefinition command.
- ImportNmeaSpoofTxTrack: Import NMEA spoofer track file.
- EnableSpoofTxTrajectorySmoothing: Enables track smoothing for a spoofer.
- IsSpoofTxTrajectorySmoothingEnabled: Returns true if smoothing is enabled for the spoofer.
- ForceSpoofTxAttitudeToZero: Forces track nodes attitude to zero for a spoofer.
- IsSpoofTxAttitudeToZeroForced: Returns true if spoofer track nodes attidude is forced to zero.
- [Set/Get]SpoofTxVehicleType: Sets/Returns spoofer track vehicle type.
- [Set/Get]MessageModificationToPulsarNav: Set (or Modify) event to change PULSAR NAV message bits.
- EnablePlugin/IsPluginEnabled: Enable a plug-in for the whole system.
- GetPlugins: Get all Plug-ins present on the system (regardless of state).
- EnableOsnmaForSV: Enable/Disable OSNMA for specified Galileo satellite.
- IsOsnmaEnabledForSV: Indicates if OSNMA is enabled or disabled.
- EnableOsnmaForEachSV: Enable/Disable OSNMA for each Galileo satellite individually.
- IsOsnmaEnabledForEachSV: Indicates if OSNMA is enabled or disabled for each satellite.
- [Set/Get]MerkleTreeParameters: Set/Get OSNMA Merkle Tree parameters.
- GetAllMerkleTreeID: Get all OSNMA Merkle Trees unique identifiers.
- RemoveMerkleTree: Remove an OSNMA Merkle Tree.
- ExportMerkleTree: Export an OSNMA Merkle Tree to an XML file with the format defined in the Galileo OSNMA IDD ICD.
- GetMerkleTreeXML: Get an OSNMA Merkle Tree XML representation with the format defined in the Galileo OSNMA IDD ICD.
- [Set/Get]OsnmaTagSize: Set/Get OSNMA tag size.
- [Set/Get]OsnmaTeslaKeySize: Set/Get OSNMA TESLA key size.
- [Set/Get]OsnmaTeslaHashFunction: Set/Get OSNMA TESLA hash function.
- [Set/Get]OsnmaMacFunction: Set/Get OSNMA MAC function.
- [Set/Get]OsnmaMacLtId: Set/Get OSNMA MAC look-up table ID.
Modified Commands:
- SetRFOutputOffsets: Optional parameter PhaseStep lets user choose how much the phase should change per millisecond.
Removed Commands:
- ResetHilWarning: replaced by GetHilExtrapolationState.
- GetLastHilWarning: replaced by GetHilExtrapolationState.
- [Set/Get]SbasUdrei: replaced by [Set/Get]UdreiForSV.
- SetPowerForSV: replaced by SetManualPowerOffsetForSV.
- GetPowerForSV: replaced by GetAllPowerForSV.
- ChangeModulationAnechoicTargetInterference.
- RemoveModulationAnechoicTargetInterference.
- AddPlugInInstance: replaced by SetPluginStartupState.
- RemovePlugInInstance: replaced by SetPluginStartupState.
Release 23.12.1
- Reduced interpolation duration in Dynamic SV Data mode.
- Increased modulation performance when using custom signals.
- Increased the maximum number of custom signals to 64.
- Dynamic SV Data mode now accepts a Time of Clock (TOC) in the past.
- The NMEA logger now generates sentences with the termination delimiter regardless of the operating system.
- Increased latitude and longitude precision in NMEA sentences.
- Increased the vehicle altitude limit in the GUI.
- Requesting an LMX license now requires users to provide more information.
- Added missing nmea_receiver.txt file when enabling the NMEA logger.
- The NMEA logger now generates sentences with UTC time instead of GPS time.
- Resolved some cases where the SBAS SVs orbit was not computed properly.
- Corrected computation of the mean anomaly for BeiDou GEO SVs.
- Fixed doppler rounding error when using custom signals.
- Addressed issue where custom signals could not be added to output despite the bandwidth.
- Fixed a crash when broadcasting a configuration without active workers.
- The BeiDou B3i central frequency has been properly calibrated on UHD radios.
Release 23.12.0
New Features
- Added the ZDA sentence to the NMEA logger.
- Added sentence selection to the NMEA logger.
- The NMEA logger is able to log on a serial port with a configurable delay.
- The NMEA parser now supports the NavIC talker ID.
- The NMEA logger is now compliant with the 4.10 standard.
- RINEX files can now be imported using the version 4 format.
- Custom Signals can now be simulated without any other signal in an output.
- Custom Signals are now working on all Keplerian constellations.
- NMEA parser status messages are now reported as warnings instead of errors.
- The Raw Data Observer Interface now supports Custom Signals.
- Disabled PRN assignation for Custom Signals.
- SBAS message 26 is now properly configured with latest ephemeris data.
- Setting all satellites to “present” no longer affects satellites without orbital data.
- Fixed missing Propagation Delay setting in some constellation General pages.
- Fixed an error when broadcasting multiple times a configuration with Custom Signals.
- Fixed multiple UI issues with Custom Signals.
Remote API version 43
- EnableLogNmea now have an optional parameter to enable logging on a serial port.
- GetVehicleAntennaModel now supports S Band.
- Enum GNSSBand now supports S Band.
- PushDynamicSVData now supports data set types.
- PushDynamicSVData is now optimized to have a smaller performance impact.
Added Structures
- AlmanacSVData: Almanac data for a single SV.
Added Commands
- [Set/Get]NmeaLoggerSerialPortDelay: Set/Get the delay of the NMEA serial port logging.
- [Set/Get]NmeaLoggerSentences: Set/Get the NMEA sentences that will be generated by the logger.
- PushDynamicAlmanacData: Push a block of data defining the orbit, clock, and other parameters for one SV.
- EnableAlmanacExtrapolationFromEphemeris/IsAlmanacExtrapolationFromEphemerisEnabled: Enable (or disable) extrapolation of the almanac from the ephemeris in Dynamic SV Data mode.
Release 23.11.2
- Holzworth LO synthesizer channels now configured using Wavefront XML configuration.
Release 23.11.1
- Updated the M-Code interface to version 9.
- Fixed an issue where some satellites could be set to have a fixed motion when creating a new configuration.
- Fixed a crash in the Automation tab when double-clicking an invalid command.
Release 23.11.0
New Features
- Users can now configure MNAV isc values via the user interface and the API.
- N310 radios can now be set to use an external LO source.
- Map tab now displays the position and orientation of both the body and the antenna of the Vehicle.
- Constellation parameter files (RINEX, TLE, etc.) import uniformly, and the import info dialog was streamlined.
- Changed Skydel default start time to 2023-09-14.
- Renamed the GPS ‘Signal Control’ settings tab to ‘Clock & Group Delays’ to match the other constellations.
- Reordered the ‘Orbits’ and ‘Perturabations’ settings tab for QZSS and NavIC in order to match the other constellations.
- The Wavefront antenna configuration has been improved and moved to a new settings tab Vehicle > Antenna > CRPA.
- Spoofer connection error messages now properly displayed in the user interface.
- Unintended user interface behavior when in Dynamic SV Data mode was fixed.
- The Clear button in Glonass > General > RINEX Navigation Message now works as intended.
- About dialog now renders properly.
- Fixed a hang when calling track commands on an interference.
- Fixed an issue where posting a runtime command resulted in immediate execution.
- Fixed an issue where jammers were displayed on the map despite the absence of interference outputs.
- Fixed Node status LED not displaying correctly in the Wavefront calibration tool.
- Fixed an issue which could cause streaming error messages to appear at the start of the Wavefront calibration.
- Fixed a crash with Glonass when reaching the end of the imported ephemeris blocks.
- Return an error when a sub-part of a message modification is more then 64 bits.
- Fixed a calibration issue with multi-band Spoofers on Wavefront systems.
- Fixed an issue when a custom signal throws an error and the simulator still tries to call the custom signal library.
Remote API Version 42
- Renaming of sub states in SimulatorSubState Enum:
- Started_SlaveSync is now Started_WorkerSync.
- Started_WFSlaveInit is now Started_WFWorkerInit.
- Started_WFMasterInit is now Started_WFMainInit.
- Enforcing parameters validation of EphBoolParam commands.
- Documentation of the HIL interface.
- Temporarily disabling the commands [Set/Get]MessageModificationToBeiDouD2Nav.
Added Commands
- ExportMessageSequenceToCSV: Exports the signal’s message sequence into a csv file.
- [Set/Get]WFElement: Set/Get Wavefront element properties.
- RemoveWFElement: Remove last Wavefront element.
- ImportWFAntenna: Import Wavefront Antenna settings from an XML file.
- ExportWFAntenna: Export Wavefront Antenna settings to an XML file.
- [Set/Get]N310LocalOscillatorSource: Set/Get the local oscillator source of the N310. Can be Internal or External.
- [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV: Set/Get constellation parameter value.
- [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV: Set/Get constellation parameter value for all satellites.
Deprecated Commands
- GetMasterStatus was replaced by GetMainInstanceStatus.
- GetSlaveStatus was replaced by GetWorkerInstanceStatus.
- StopMasterWhenSlaveStop/IsStopMasterWhenSlaveStop was replaced by StopMainInstanceWhenWorkerInstanceStop/IsStopMainInstanceWhenWorkerInstanceStop.
- [Set/Get]GpsEphDoubleParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]GpsEphBoolParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]GalileoEphDoubleParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphDoubleParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphBoolParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]QzssEphDoubleParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]QzssEphBoolParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]NavICEphDoubleParamForSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForSV.
- [Set/Get]GpsEphDoubleParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]GpsEphBoolParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]GalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]QzssEphDoubleParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]QzssEphBoolParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]NavICEphDoubleParamForEachSV was replaced by [Set/Get]ConstellationParameterForEachSV.
- [Set/Get]WFAntennaElementOffset was replaced by [Set/Get]VehicleAntennaOffset.
- [Set/Get]WFAntennaElementPhasePatternOffset was replaced by AddVehiclePhasePatternOffset/GetVehiclePhasePatternOffset.
- [Set/Get]WFAntennaElementModel was replaced by [Set/Get]WFElement.
- SetWFAntennaElementEnabled/IsWFAntennaElementEnabled was replaced by[Set/Get] WFElement.
Aliased Commands
- EnableMasterPps was replaced by EnableMainInstanceSync.
- EnableSlavePps was replaced by EnableWorkerInstanceSync.
- [Set/Get]SyncTimeMaster was replaced by [Set/Get]SyncTimeMainInstance.
Release 23.8.1
- Removed a log in the terminal when a CDM-7 is not found on a Ubuntu system on simulation start.
- CDM-7 (clock distribution module) clock mode preference now has a default value.
- CDM-7 calibration tool no longer keeps the GNSS antenna reference active on close.
- Fixed an issue where certain receivers could not find a PVT solution with NavIC L5.
- Galileo INAV Reed Solomon encoding data corrected for word types 17 to 20.
Release 23.8.0
The minimum required Nvidia GPU driver versions have been updated
- Ubuntu : 520.61.05
- Windows: 520.06
New Features
- Python code can now be copied directly from the “Automate” tab using the right-click option.
- 63 space vehicles (SV) can now be simulated on the GPS constellation.
- CDM-7 modes can be directly configured in Skydel using the preferences.
- Enabling/disabling an entire band in the wavefront calibration tool is now possible.
- The wavefront calibration tool allows the use of the calibration radio’s Rx/Tx port.
- Significant GPU optimization that allows the simulation of up to 1.5x the number of signals (based on hardware).
- Drastically reduced the GPU memory usage – up to 7x less memory utilization in some cases.
- The orbit reference time of BeiDou GEO satellites can now be modified.
- Removed the GPU optimization preference.
- The spectrum is now hidden when output types None, File, or Spoofer are selected.
- After a start/stop, the undo/redo stack is no longer cleared.
- The output’s selected signals now take less space in the user interface when many are selected.
- Fixed the performance degradation caused by the spectrum tab.
- Fixed an issue where simulations failed when using an RTX 40 Series GPU.
- Resolved disappearing signal legend in the spectrum when there are too many signal outputs.
- Corrected the SBAS message sequence preview when enabling message types 2-5 and 24.
- Addressed the incorrect time of applicability in SBAS message type 17.
- Fixed the invalid gain on the second UHD radio when the output selection of the first radio is empty.
- The HIL Python client now utilizes generic socket error codes.
- Fixed NavIC power offsets not being saved to the configuration file.
- Resolved spoofing instances logging in the same folder as Skydel instances.
- Galileo INav downlink messages are now fully logged.
- Corrected an issue with the vehicle antenna model export.
- Addressed an issue where the SetRawDataLoggingInterval was erroneously accepting 0 for all parameters.
- Fixed the wrong DTA target name in the target edit dialog.
- Resolved an error related to ChangeModulationTargetSignals in the status log when starting a wavefront simulation.
- Fixed an issue with the satellite data update mode not being properly reset on a new configuration.
- Corrected the wrong almanac i0 value in the NavIC navigation message.
- Fixed the doppler applied incorrectly to NAVIC L5 and SBAS L5 signals.
- Resolved an issue with plugin instances not being deleted after the license check.
- Fixed the gaussian noise not being calculated correctly for the File output.
- Removed error duplicates in the status log.
- Fixed an user interface issue where the constellations disappear after an error on start.
- Fixed an user interface issue where it’s possible to enable a signal on a SV which is not present.
Remote API version 41
Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]EncryptionLibraryPath: Modifies the designated encryption signal library path.
- TestEncryptionLibrary: Tests the specified encryption signal library.
- ExecuteGpuBenchmark: Performs the GPU benchmark and retrieves the resulting score. Returns ExecuteGpuBenchmarkResult.
Added Structures:
- EncryptionSignalType enum: Encryption signal type, can be “PY_CODE”, “M_CODE” or “PRS”.
Release 23.5.4
- Changed the default SBAS message sequence to reduce the number of empty messages.
- Increased the dynamic power range for the DTA-2116 output.
- SBAS message type 17 is now populated with the correct PRN and almanac data.
- BeiDou SOW is now the same in D1 and D2.
- BeiDou future leap second now has the correct value in the navigation messages.
- Custom signals with a carrier frequency multiple of 500Hz will now work correctly.
- Fixed a rare crash with compute-heavy configurations when the constellation thread count preference is set to Auto.
Release 23.5.3
New Features:
- Added product information in the About Skydel window.
- Skydel licensing and personality error messages are more clear.
- Error messages when importing Jamming and Spoofing scenarios are more detailed.
- Additional output signal combinations for high sampling rates on lower band.
- Fixed an issue on start where Skydel erroneously reported the absence of the PPS signal on Dektec radios.
Release 23.5.2
New Features:
- P(Y)-Code Noise is now implemented (requires license).
- Added example scenarios and trajectories, available in the Skydel-SDX Documents folder.
- Added example antenna patterns, available in the Skydel-SDX Documents folder.
- Skydel can now recognize the hardware platform on which it is installed and customize the experience accordingly.
- Improved user experience for P-Code and P(Y)-Code signals.
- Dektec serial number assignements are now applied correctly.
- Fixed an issue which could cause a crash on Antenna Model export.
Release 23.5.1
- Fixed an issue with the Galileo HAS message.
- Added a Galileo HAS message downlink parser.
Release 23.5.0
New Features:
- Added BeiDou B3I signal (requires license).
- Added Dynamic Satellite Data, which allows users to dynamically update orbits, clocks, and other satellite data during the simulation.
- Added a Python example that shows how to use the new Dynamic Satellite Data feature (
- Added support for the Dektec DTA-2116 SDR card.
- Added the LEO Satellite type to the BeiDou constellation.
- Added BeiDou Geo extrapolation mode when using a single RINEX block.
- Added a preference to change the maximum number of Status Log entries.
- Added support for Windows 11 operating system.
- Added support for Ubuntu 22.04 operating system.
- Added significant optimizations (CPU multi-threading and GPU memory access) that allow up to 4x the number of simulated signals (based on hardware).
- Added a Custom Interval option for Raw Logging.
- Plugin instances are now deleted from memory when removed.
- Improved warning message when importing invalid records from RINEX files.
- Improved the usability of the plugin instances user interface.
- Improved downlink parser script ‘’ using the Skydel API keys to ease automation.
- The Raw Data Observer plugin role now logs more information.
- Improved the error message when importing invalid IQ files.
- Disabled DPI awareness on Windows to avoid scaling issues.
- Extend PSR ramp error to multiple days.
- Removed command log when command’s attribute isHidden is set to true.
- Increased the max value for HIL Tjoin to 1 second from 200 milliseconds.
- Added baud rate of 921600 when connecting to a receiver with a serial connection.
- UTC terms are now aligned with the TOA for all constellations.
- UTC terms are now correctly updated for QZSS and NavIC.
- A configuration file’s SBAS PSR Ramps nodes (from version 20.8 and earlier) are now correctly loaded.
- Almanac data now updates correctly using Data Sets.
- The SatMotionFixed command now updates the user interface correctly.
- The last opened constellation tab now displays properly when Skydel is opened.
- Corrected a RINEX logging performance regression.
- GPS settings now properly hidden when using only an SBAS license.
- Missing CRC in Galileo E1 and E5b downlink logging added.
- Corrected raw logging performance issue.
- Corrected RINEX file import issue and improved error messages.
- Corrected computation of BeiDou TOW for B1C and B2A signal modulation.
- Corrected population of Galileo INav navigation message parameter WN0t.
- Plugin status LED displays correctly when adding/removing an instance with the remote API.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused a crash on start in Anechoic.
- The commands IsSignalEnabledForEachSV and IsRFOutputEnabledForEachSV no longer return true even if SV is not imported.
- Fixed the undo command of RemoveModulationTarget.
- The Atmosphere Errors dialog now has the proper name.
- Removed discontinuities for Advanced Jammer’s CW transmitter with central frequencies that are not a multiple of 1kHz.
- Improved the user interface of the Constellation tab when a high amount of satellites are in view.
- Corrected the GLONASS almanac reference time at the start of simulation so it updates on periods of 48 hours instead of 24.
- Removed Custom Signal Preview tool.
- Updated company name: Skydel is now part of Safran.
Remote API version 40:
Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]SVDataUpdateMode: Change the SV data update mode between “Extrapolation” (default) and “Dynamic”.
- PushDynamicSVData: Push a block of data defining the orbit, clocks, and other parameters for one SV during the simulation.
- [Set/Get]RawDataLoggingInterval: Change the time interval at which the Raw Logging is executed.
- SetStatusLogMaxEntriesCountMode: Change Status Log mode between “Unlimited” and “Custom”, which permits a custom value for the maximum number of entries in the Status Log with the SetStatusLogMaxEntriesCount command.
- SetStatusLogMaxEntriesCount: Changes the maximum number of entries in the Status Log when the mode is set to “Custom” via the SetStatusLogMaxEntriesCountMode command.
Added Structures:
- SVDataUpdateMode enum: SV data update mode, can be “Extrapolation” or “Dynamic”.
Release 22.12.1
- Fixed an error on simulation start after arming the system (Wavefront only).
- Fixed an invalid toe value in the subframe 2 of the BeiDou D1 navigation message.
- Fixed the NoneRT Slave instance synchronization when the Master instance uses a radio.
- Fixed the satellite motion fixed setting not being properly saved to the config.
- Fixed an issue with the Galileo HAS encoded message.
Release 22.12.0
New feature:
- Skydel now fully supports Galileo E6 HAS. Populated with HAS Message Type 1, users can now create and simulate this High Accuracy Service signal using the Galileo E6 signal.
- Renamed Galileo E6 to E6 HAS in the Skydel GUI.
- Added Secondary Synchronization Pattern to Galileo INav.
- Added Word Type 16 to 20 to Galileo INav.
- Added TLE to the Import Constellation Parameter Dialog.
- Added the Distance parameter in the Transmitter log.
- Simulation allowed to continue when a BeiDou SV has a low altitude.
- Reorganized User Manual and included several additional resources to help users.
- Performance improvements.
- Fixed incorrect scaling that occurred when enabling the spectrum for the first time.
- Fixed an issue where the Start time setting page did not properly display connection to timing receiver.
- Fixed exceptions in the custom signal libraries that were not handled properly.
- Fixed the update time for constellation parameters of BeiDou and Galileo Custom Signals.
- Fixed an issue with SV information transmission in navigation messages when different datasets are used for Ephemeris and Almanac.
Remote API version 39:
- Added Commands:
- ExportMessageSequenceToCSV: Exports the signal’s message sequence into a csv file.
Release 22.7.1
New features:
- Computes signal with constant CN/0 over sample rates when outputting IQ
files with Gaussian noise enabled.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed Galileo and BeiDou Custom Signal satellite position computations.
- Fixed constellation data in the custom signal interface when using more
than one custom signal in the same band. - Fixed non-deterministic start time when using a GPS timing receiver.
Release 22.7.0
*** The minimum required Nvidia GPU driver version is updated ***
Ubuntu : 510.47.03
Windows: 511.65
New features:
- It is now possible to simulate 63 space vehicles (SV) on the BeiDou
constellation. Skydel supports PRNs from 1 to 63. - Updated BeiDou BI navigation messages to ICD version 3.
- Added power bars for all the signals in the Constellations tab.
- Added the ability to change the power of each signal with the sliders in
the Constellations tab.
- The power bars of disabled signals are now shown in gray in the
Constellations tab. - The power bars of masked satellites are now shown in gray in the
Constellations tab, instead of being hidden. - The satellite power info button is now enabled during the idle state.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed Pseudorange Ramp events: they can not have the same ID anymore.
- Fixed BeiDou D1 Message Mods: it was not possible to remove them.
- Fixed BeiDou D1 Message Mods user interface: when “parity” is unchecked,
the partity bits are now updated correctly when clicking “update”.
Remote API version 38:
Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]ManualPowerOffsetForSV: Set/Get the manual power offset of a
specific satellite, for one or multiple signals. - GetAllPowerForSV: Get all the power information of a specific satellite.
- [Set/Get]ManualPowerOffsetForSV: Set/Get the manual power offset of a
Deprecated Commands:
- SetPowerForSV was replaced by SetManualPowerOffsetForSV.
- GetPowerForSV was replaced by GetAllPowerForSV.
Aliased Commands:
- [Set/Get]PowerGlobalOffset was replaced by [Set/Get]GlobalPowerOffset.
- [Set/get]PowerOffset was replaced by [Set/Get]SignalPowerOffset.
- ResetAllSatPower was replaced by ResetManualPowerOffsets.
Removed Commands:
- SetSbasHealthService was replaced by SetSbasServiceHealthForSV.
- SetSbasHealthReserved was replaced by SetSbasReservedHealthForSV.
- SetSbasHealthIntegrity was replaced by SetSbasIntegrityHealthForSV.
- SetSbasHealthCorrections was replaced by SetSbasCorrectionsHealthForSV.
- SetSbasHealthRanging was replaced by SetSbasRangingHealthForSv.
Release 22.5.6
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed an issue when loading a configuration with additional SVs.
Release 22.5.5
- Improved constellation thread performance.
Release 22.5.4
- Improved performance when using multiple Spoofers.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed the SetWFAntennaElementModel command: no antenna models were accepted
anymore. - Fixed undo of the AddSpoofTx command.
Release 22.5.3
- Performance graph and HIL graph now reset during “Initializing” state.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed GPIO Library not sending GPIO commands properly.
- Fixed crash when starting a Wavefront simulation with a disconnected Monitor
radio. - Fixed Wavefront warning messages showing a wrong IP address and Skydel instance
ID of a Node when it is disconnected. - Fixed a Wavefront warning message appearing at configuration file import when
GetHilPort command is called too quickly.
Release 22.5.2
- Changed position_observer_plugin and simple_plugin type from “Development” to “Free”.
Release 22.5.1
User Manual:
- Updated HIL Graph (Section 9.5).
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed HIL graph: samples were not displayed properly when they were sent before
the start of the simulation. - Fixed error at start of the simulation when using multiple X300 radios
under Windows. - Fixed Galileo gravitational constant: value is now the same as Galileo ICD.
Skydel was previously using the GPS gravitational constant value for Galileo
Release 22.5.0
*** Skydel 22.5 introduces many improvements to Hardware-In-Loop (HIL) ***
- HIL vehicle trajectories can now be specified with dynamics:
position, velocity, acceleration and jerk.
Skydel can now extrapolate HIL trajories based on dynamics.
See user manual for more details. - Added the “HIL graph” to visualize HIL processing time.
- Timestamps associated with HIL positions can now be specified with
a floating-point value. - HIL trajectories can now be used in Wavefront simulations.
- The Performance graph now displays HIL points. This indicates when HIL
positions are received by Skydel with regards to the current
simulation time.
New features:
- Wavefront simulation can now be started with the “PPS sync commands”.
This enables the synchronization of a Wavefront simulation with other
physical devices. - Added the possibility to enable or disable SBAS error compensation
during the simulation.
This applies to SBAS long term, fast and ionospheric corrections. - Added a preference to pre-allocate GPU memory for AWGN jammers.
- Added a preference to enable or disable a warning occurring when
two or more HIL positions have the same timestamps.
- Improved performance of M-Code, P(Y)-Code, PRS and Custom signals.
- Improved performance of advanced jammers.
- Enabled the Performance graph on the Wavefront monitor instance.
- Wavefront simulation: the latency and streaming buffer preferences
are broadcasted to all nodes at the beginning of the simulation. - Increased global offset maximum value from +10dB to +30dB.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed parsing of PRC22, PRC35, PRC48 and PRC51 in SBAS downlink parser.
- Fixed adding new AWGN Jammers signals during the simulation.
- Fixed Custom Signals on E6 band not being displayed in
the signals selection dialog. - Fixed PRS E6 signal using invalid chips.
- Fixed loading configuration with BPSK jammer using a custom PRN.
- Fixed an issue with the DTA-2115B calibration when some cards were not used.
- Fixed missing “redo” command in automate tab.
- Fixed high residuals on SBAS satellites due to wrong clock corrections.
- Fixed warning not displayed when QZSS L1CA and L1CB are enabled on the same SV.
- Fixed unselectable radio button in the output signal selection.
- Fixed the Performance graph being cleared by the GPU benchmark.
Remote API version 37:
Added Commands:
- GetStreamingBuffer: Get streaming buffer size.
- GetEngineLatency: Get engine latency.
- SetHilTjoin: Set HIL Tjoin (in milliseconds).
- ExportHilGraphDataToCSV: Export the HIL graph data into a csv file.
- GetHilExtrapolationState: Get last Hardware in the loop extrapolation state.
The states are defined as the following increasing priority levels:
Deterministic, NonDeterministic and Snap. The state will stay on the highest
level until polled. Polling the extrapolation state will reset it.
Returns GetHilExtrapolationStateResult. - [Set/Get]SbasMessageUpdateInterval: Set/Get the SBAS message update interval.
- ExportSbasMessageSequence: Export the SBAS message sequence into a csv file.
- GetComputerSystemTimeSinceEpochAtPps0: Get Computer system time since
epoch at PPS0 in milliseconds.
Modified Commands:
- EnableSbasMessages/GetSbasMessagesEnabled: can now be used at runtime.
- IsSimStopWhenCommandFailEnabled: can now be used at runtime.
- StopMasterWhenSlaveStop/IsStopMasterWhenSlaveStop: can now be used
at runtime. - GetSyncTime: can now be used at runtime.
- GetSyncMasterTime: can now be used at runtime.
- EnableSbasFastCorrectionsFor/IsSbasFastCorrectionsEnabledFor: can now be
used at runtime. - ApplyDelayInSbas/IsDelayAppliedInSbas: can now be used at runtime.
- EnableSbasLongTermCorrectionsFor/IsSbasLongTermCorrectionsEnabledFor: can
now be used at runtime.
Deprecated Commands:
- ResetHilWarning: replaced by GetHilExtrapolationState.
- GetLastHilWarning: replaced by GetHilExtrapolationState.
Modified Structures:
- SimulatorSubState enum: Adding two new Started States:
Started_WFSyncPPSReset and Started_WFSyncStart.
- SimulatorSubState enum: Adding two new Started States:
New Structures:
- HilExtrapolationState: HIL extrapolation states can be “Deterministic”,
“NonDeterministic”, “Snap”
- HilExtrapolationState: HIL extrapolation states can be “Deterministic”,
Release 22.2.2
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed Dektec power offset with calibration table.
Release 22.2.1
- Changed the default UDREI value from 15 to 5 for SBAS and GPS.
This was preventing receivers from using SBAS messages.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed PPS/RF alignment error with X300/N310 output types.
Error was introduced in version 22.2.0. - Fixed SetWFAntennaElementModel command: no antenna models were accepted
anymore. - Fixed interference logging rate.
It was always 1000Hz despite the configuration. - Fixed interference logging beginning.
It was starting 2ms later than signal and receiver logs. - Fixed compact log entry in the “Status log” tab.
- Fixed unresponsive Skydel after unplugging a UHD radio during a simulation.
- Fixed issues with BPSK interference when using custom PRN.
- PRS and Custom Signal simulation: Fixed invalid navigation message
when the simulation start time is not aligned with the beginning
of the navigation message.
Release 22.2.0
New features:
- Added SBAS Message Type 24 (Mixed message).
- Added SBAS message type 27 (Service message).
- Added option to transmit SBAS Message Type 2 instead of Message Type 0.
- Added configuration of SBAS URA Index by satellite.
- Added ability to compensate pseudorange offset in SBAS fast corrections.
- Increased maximum number of N310 outputs to 2.
- Added the capability to change the transmitted PRN to SBAS.
- For all GNSS constellations, moved the “Pseudorange ramp” settings page
to the Errors settings page. - Changed the UDREI value to be configurable by satellite for SBAS and GPS.
- Disabled the Spectrum tab for “Wavefront Controller” output type.
- When simulation is stopped by a remote API command failure, a clear error
message is now shown in the log. - A distinct “Underrun logfile” is created for each Skydel instance:
the file names have the instance ID appended to them. - SBAS PRN Mask is now ordered per SVID.
- Extended SBAS PRN code range from 120-158 to 62-210.
- Changed plug-in role “raw data observer” to send enums over integers for
Constellation and Signal mapping. - For Remote API HIL applications: added function “setHilStreamingCheckEnabled”.
This function turns on or off the verification of the state of the
simulation on each Remote API call. Turning this check off can
improve performance of high-rate HIL applications. - Ajusted PPS/RF alignment for X300 and N310 radios:
now alligned when using an Orolia CDM-5 reference clock.
(CDM-5 PPS/10MHz delay is 90ns)
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed buffering of HIL positions at the start of simulation:
avoids “extrapolation” at the beginning of the simulation. - Fixed performance issue with the gaussian noise at the start of simulation.
- Fixed performance graph: it was not showing the last millisecond when an
underrun occurred with a X300 or N310 output type. - Reset performance graphs whenever output is modified/removed/added.
- Fixed the start command: it was not returning at correct time when
the streaming buffer size was different than the default value (200ms),
with a X300 or N310 output type. - Fixed SetPowerOffset command: it is now impossible to change the
power offset of a disabled signal. - Fixed simulation of BAS SV ID 20 to 39.
- Changed SBAS Message Type 6 IOD2/IOD2/IOD3/IOD4/IOD5 values to have MT2-5
IODF’s instead of zeros. Now Message Type 6 IOD2 will have MT2 IODF, IODF3
will have MT3 IODF and so on. - Navigation Message modification: fixed the “Remove” button, used to remove
a programmed navigation message content match. - NavIC L5 spectrum color is now brown like the constellation color.
Remote API version 36:
- Added Structure:
- SbasServiceMessageRegion: Defines a SBAS service message region.
- Added Commands:
- [Get/Set]UdreiForSV: [Get/Set] the UDREI value transmitted by SBAS for
the satellite of the specified constellation. - [Get/Set]UdreiForEachSV: [Get/Set] the UDREI value transmitted by SBAS
for all satellites of the specified constellation. - ExportPerformanceDataToCSV: Export the performance graph data into a
csv file. - [Get/Set]UdreiForSV: [Get/Set] the UDREI value transmitted by SBAS for the
satellite of the specified constellation. - [Get/Set]UdreiForEachSV: [Get/Set] the UDREI value transmitted by SBAS for
all satellites of the specified constellation. - [Get/Set]SbasServiceMessageRegionGroup: [Get/Set] a SBAS service message
region group. - [Get/Set]SbasDeltaUdreiOutsideOfRegions: [Get/Set] SBAS delta UDREI outside all the
defined regions for this service provider. - RemoveSbasServiceMessageRegionGroup: Removes a SBAS service message region group for
the service provider. - ClearAllSbasServiceMessageRegionGroup: Clears all SBAS service message region group
for this service provider. - SwapSbasServiceMessageRegionGroup: Swaps 2 SBAS service message region group.
- [Get/Set]UdreiForSV: [Get/Set] the UDREI value transmitted by SBAS for
- Modified Commands:
- EnableSbasFastCorrectionsFor/IsSbasFastCorrectionsEnabledFor: now allows
comma separated error type.
- EnableSbasFastCorrectionsFor/IsSbasFastCorrectionsEnabledFor: now allows
- Deprecated Commands:
- [Set/Get]SbasUdrei is deprecated. Use [Set/Get]UdreiForSV instead.
Release 21.12.3
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed low responsiveness of GUI after adding an output.
- Improvement of the RTCM plug-in.
Release 21.12.2
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed QZSS SV type not being applied to properly to QZSS L1C modulation.
Release 21.12.1
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed underflow log with DTA-2115B output (from Skydel 21.11.2).
- Fixed performance graph not always showing the latest data (from Skydel 21.11.2).
- Fixed error after many simulations with the DTA-2115B output (from Skydel 21.11.2).
Release 21.12.0
New Features:
- Added QZSS L1C/B signal.
- Added NeQuick ionospheric model.
- Added navigation message modification for all SBAS signals.
- Improved performances for all signals.
- Increased multipath pseudorange offset maximum value to 2000km.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed handling of erroneous time received from radios.
- Fixed trying to import a faulty Glonass RINEX:
No error message was reported.
Remote API version 35:
Added Structure:
- ElevationAzimuth: Indicates Elevation and Azimuth angular position.
Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]EffectiveIonisationLevelCoefficient: Set/Get the effective
ionisation level coefficient for the 1st, 2nd or 3rd order
(ai0, ai1, ai2) for NeQuick model. - ImportMODIPFile: Import MODIP data file for NeQuick model.
- ImportCCIRFilesFromDirectory: Import all the CCIR data files.
- [Set/Get]MessageModificationToSbasNav: Set (or Modify) event to
change SBAS NAV message bits. - GetElevationAzimuthForEachSV: Get elevation and azimuth position
angles for all satellites. - GetElevationAzimuthForSV: Get elevation and azimuth position angles
for satellite.
- [Set/Get]EffectiveIonisationLevelCoefficient: Set/Get the effective
Modified Commands:
- SetIonoModel: can now take NeQuick Model in parameter.
- RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily: can now take “SBAS_NAV”
in parameter. - ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily: can now take “SBAS_NAV”
in parameter. - GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily: can now take “SBAS_NAV”
in parameter. - RemoveMessageModificationForSignal: can now take “SBAS_NAV” in
parameter. - ClearAllMessageModificationsForSignal: can now take “SBAS_NAV” in
parameter. - GetAllMessageModificationIdsForSignal: can now take “SBAS_NAV” in
Release 21.11.2
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed underflow log with DTA-2115B output.
- Fixed performance graph not always showing the latest data.
- Fixed error after many simulations with the DTA-2115B output.
Release 21.11.1
- Increased Gaussian Noise on advanced jammers for the DTA-2115B Output.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed rare underflow with the DTA-2115B output
(updated Dektec SDK version used by Skydel). - Fixed DTA-2115B license error on simulation start with
multiple Skydel instances. - Fixed hang in remote API client when Skydel unexpectedly closes.
- Fixed Galileo E6 navigation message bits not being applied properly during
the modulation of the signal.
Release 21.11.0
New Features:
- Added QZSS L2C signal.
- Added the concept of “Data Sets”.
Different data sets can be selected for orbit, ephemeris and almanac data. - Added a plug-in role: Radio time observer.
- Added a plug-in role: Transmitter observer.
- Added support of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Note: if an error occurs during the installing of Skydel on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS,
it is lilkely caused by a missing Python package (distutils).
This is only required to install the Skydel Python Remote API package.
Skydel is still perfectly functional and the Skydel Python Remote API
package can be installed manually later on.
- Improved SBAS space vehicle orbital trajectory.
- Modified GPS timing receiver preference to allow none to be set.
- Limit for number of DTA-2115B outputs has been increased to 16.
- RAPI calls from plugins can now be hidden from the automation tab.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed SBAS long term corrections in message type 25 with velocity.
- Fixed command sent to set the GPS timing receiver even if unchanged in preferences.
Remote API version 34:
Added Commands:
- AddDataSet: Add a new data set for the specified constellation.
This could come from a Rinex, SEM or YUMA file for GPS.
Only Rinex for the others. - [Set/Get]DataSetAssignation: Set or get data set assignation for the
specified constellation. - RenameDataSet: Rename data set.
- DeleteDataSet: Delete data set.
- [Set/Get]ActiveDataSet: Set or get active data set.
- SetIntTxSignalManualPropagationLoss: Sets the manual propagation loss for
the given interference signal. - SetIntTxUseManualPropagationLoss: Set whether a dynamic transmitter should
only use user-provided propagation loss values. - SetSpoofSignalManualPropagationLoss: Sets the manual propagation loss for
the given spoofer signal. - SetSpoofTxUseManualPropagationLoss: Set whether a spoofer should only
use user-provided propagation loss values.
- AddDataSet: Add a new data set for the specified constellation.
- Commands that impact data set data have an optional data set name parameter.
The default value is the active data set.- [Set/Get]GpsConfigurationCodeForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsConfigurationForEachSV
- [Set/Get]GpsDataHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsSignalHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GalileoDataHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GalileoSignalHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsL1HealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsL2HealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsL5HealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsL1cHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsAntiSpoofingFlagForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsNavAlertFlagForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsCNavAlertFlagToSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouHealthInfoForSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouAutonomousHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouCNavHealthInfoForSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouHealthStatusForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssL1DataHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssL1HealthForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssL2HealthForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssL5HealthForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssL1cHealthForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssNavAlertFlagForSV
- [Set/Get]NavICL5HealthForSV
- [Set/Get]NavICNavAlertFlagForSV
- ImportConstellationParameters
- [Set/Get]EphemerisReferenceTimeForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsEphDoubleParamForSV
- [Set/Get]GalileoEphDoubleParamForSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphDoubleParamForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssEphDoubleParamForSV
- [Set/Get]NavICEphDoubleParamForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- [Set/Get]GalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- [Set/Get]QzssEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- [Set/Get]NavICEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- [Set/Get]GpsEphBoolParamForSV
- [Set/Get]GpsEphBoolParamForEachSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphBoolParamForSV
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSV
- [Set/Get]QzssEphBoolParamForSV
- [Set/Get]QzssEphBoolParamForEachSV
- ResetPerturbations
- [Set/Get]Perturbations
- [Set/Get]PerturbationsForAllSat
- ForceSVGeo/IsSVForcedGeo
- SetGpsUraIndexForSV
- SetBeiDouUraIndexForSV
- SetQzssUraIndexForSV
- SetNavICUraIndexForSV
- SetGalileoSisaE1E5aIndexForSV
- SetGalileoSisaE1E5bIndexForSV
- Commands that impact data set data have an optional data set name parameter.
Removed Commands:
- All commands deprecated since 20.9 and 21.3.
Release 21.9.3
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed Gaussian Noise power level: increased by 1.6dB (from Skydel 21.3.5)
Release 21.9.2
New Features:
- Added navigation message modification for Galileo E6 signal.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed Galileo F/NAV CRC value in decoded downlink logging.
- Fixed GPS almanac update.
- Fixed issue with performance graph export.
- Fixed UI not responsive with None ouput and a low SV count.
- Fixed group delay and iono correction on QZSS L5S signal.
- Updated Open SSL 3rd party lib under Windows.
Fixes maps search feature under Windows
Fixes occasionnal crash under Windows when manipulating maps. - Tuned PPS/RF alignment for X300/N310 outputs when using external PPS.
Release 21.9.1
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed issue with Dektec cards ordering.
Release 21.9.0
New Features:
- Added the Performance subtab to display the performance of the system.
- Added a plug-in role: HIL observer.
- Added simulation of BeiDou GEO satellites.
- Added a preference to change Skydel’s engine latency.
- Added a preference to activate GPU optimisations.
- Changed the default simulation start time of new configurations:
Default value is now 2021-06-24 at 12:00:00. - Multiple changes to improve Skydel’s engine performance.
- GPU benchmark can now simulate up to 4 echoes.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed plug-ins custom UI not expending to take all the available space.
- Fixed plug-ins instance removal.
- Fixed GLONASS message frame time not being set properly.
- Fixed duplicate bit pattern in message modifications when editing through UI.
- Tuned PPS/RF alignment for DTA-2115B output.
Remote API version 33:
Added Commands:
- RedoCmd: Redo the last undone command like Ctrl+Shift+Z in the UI.
- EnableLogDownlink command when passed conflicting combination of parameters.
- Undo for EnableSlavePps and EnableMasterPps commands not behaving correctly.
- SetStartTimeMode accepting any value, sometime causing crashes with GetStartTimeMode.
Deprecated Commands:
- SetSbasHealthRanging is deprecated. Use SetSbasSVRangingHealth instead.
- SetSbasHealthCorrections is deprecated. Use SetSbasSVCorrectionsHealth instead.
- SetSbasHealthIntegrity is deprecated. Use SetSbasSVIntegrityHealth instead.
- SetSbasHealthReserved is deprecated. Use SetSbasSVReservedHealth instead.
- SetSbasHealthService is deprecated. Use SetSbasSVServiceHealth instead.
Release 21.3.6
New features:
- Added field “Version” in Wavefront xml hardware configuration file.
Release 21.3.5
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed serial port configuration of RTCM plug-in.
- Fixed doppler frequency in raw logging file not taking into account user pseudo-range offsets.
- Fixed crash when adding echo to custom signals.
- Fixed Gaussian Noise power level: increased by 1.6dB
Release 21.3.4
- Removed the transmitted PRN label in GLONASS UI.
- Changed Wavefront configuration broadcasting:
does not send configuration to none-Wavefront slave instance.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed milliseconds being truncated from the start parameter when adding
an antenna to the vehicle antenna sequence. - Fixed Anechoic timeout allocating sample blocks.
- Fixed Anechoic underruns not being handled properly.
- Fixed Anechoic sometimes hang when simulation is stopping.
- Fixed simulator in undefined state when too many signals are assigned to a GPU.
- Fixed satellites azimuth being displayed in rad instead of degrees in the Skyview.
- Fixed start time of simulation when synchronized with GPS Timing receiver.
An offset of 2 seconds was experienced with DTA-2115B radios.
(Same correction applied in Skydel 20.9.6)
Release 21.3.3
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed empty BeiDou CNAV2 BDT-UTC data block and IODE.
- Fixed Anechoic output mode and calibration tool.
- Fixed Tropo Model DO-229 availability.
- Fixed advanced jammer power level when using DTA-2115B output type.
The power level could be applied at the wrong moment when outputs
had different sample rate.
Release 21.3.2
New Features:
- Added RTCM plug-in.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed transmitter reference power(Rx) not taking into account vehicle and antenna orientation.
- Fixed getter commands being propagated from master to all nodes in wavefront.
- Fixed simulation refusing to start with output Galileo E1/E6 PRS when feature Galileo PRS or Galileo PRS-Noise is activated.
- Fixed pseudorange offsets added through a command or the user interface rounded to integer.
Release 21.3.1
- For Advanced Jammers, added the possibility to disable the display of the Transmitter on the Map page.
- Changed some message modifications dialogs to be more user friendly.
- Removed the possibility to use the onboard ref clock of the DTA-2115B.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed simulation start time for RF Output type DTA-2115B when it is based on the time given by a GPS Timing receiver.
- Fixed Central Frequency offset on N310 radios for specific GNSS signal combinations.
- Fixed missing C# remote API.
- Fixed GPS L1C navigation message PRNa field when there is no data in the reduced almanac.
- Fixed empty reduced almanac fields in GPS L1C navigation message after one cycle of all SVs.
- Fixed QZSS loading of the multipath echoes from the config.
- Fixed updating BeiDou D1 Nav message modifications through UI.
- Fixed SBAS satellites not appearing in receiver Skyview and C/NO widget.
- Fixed Wave-front phase adjusment when GNSS signal is not in the middle of the RF Output’s spectrum.
Remote API version 32:
- Added Commands:
GetGlonassFrequencyNumberForEachSV: Get the frequency number of each Glonass SVs.
[Get/Set]IntTxHiddenOnMap: Set or get whether a transmitter is hidden on the map page.
Release 21.3.0
There are important changes introduced in Skydel version 21.3. Users should read appendix A in the user manual carefully. Skydel now uses SV ID instead of PRN to uniquely identify satellites. This change affects the GUI and many commands in the API. Most commands using PRN are deprecated but will continue to work as expected.
We have a new public forum where you can ask questions and share your Skydel wisdom.
Visit it here:
New Features
- Increased the number of echoes per signal from 3 to 4 on each satellite.
- Added DO-229 tropospheric model.
- Added Galileo E1A and E6A (PRS-Noise) signals.
- Added navigation message modification for QZSS L1C signal.
- Added new settings page to allow modification of transmitted PRN for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, QZSS and NavIC.
- Message modifications can now apply to specific signals. For example, instead of modifying the CNAV message for L2C and L5, you could choose to change it only for L2C.
- PRN values are now displayed in settings pages with SV ID spinbox.
- Improved file parsing to properly identify MEO/GEO/IGSO orbital parameters.
- Added IMU plug-in.
- Added plug-in remote API role.
- Added plug-in instrumentation role.
- Added QZSS and NavIC signal to anechoic mode.
- Replaced PRN with SV ID to identify satellites in most API commands.
- Improved Contellations subtab to show SV ID and PRN values.
- Improved CRPA antenna spacing input resolution to 0.01 mm.
- Added content match support to Galileo message modifications.
- Improved plug-in interface table.
Bug Fixed
- Fixed track import algorithm to be more robust with attitude wrapping.
- Fixed SBAS L5 signal not being available on same output as GPS L2 signals.
- Fixed a crash that could happen during RINEX file import.
- Fixed RAP field in BeiDou messages.
- Fixed an antenna issue that could occur when loading a scenario.
- Fixed signal power of multiple signals to match values set in GUI.
- Fixed a crash when using GPS and Galileo encrypted signals and None as the output target.
Remote API version 32
- Better error messages with many commands.
- Detailed error message when using removed commands.
- Description of deprecated commands now indicate they are deprecated.
- Can now get the command’s execution permission from python API.
- Improvement to C++ remote API client.
- SetGlonassDoubleParams.
- SetGlonassDoubleParam with SV ID = 0.
- SetIonoGridMask crash with out of range points.
- IsIntTxIgnoreRxAntennaGainPattern not handled.
- IsIntTxIgnoreRxAntennaPhasePattern not handled.
- GetVehicleGainPatternOffset crash.
- SetPerturbationsForAllSat crash.
- GetSVType always failing.
- IsSbasLongTermCorrectionsEnabledFor returning invalid value.
- IsSbasFastCorrectionsEnabledFor returning invalid value.
- SetModificationToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage not applied at correct time.
- SetModificationToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage not working during simulation.
Added Commands:
- ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily
- ClearAllMessageModificationsForSignal
- EnableEachSV
- EnableLosForEachSV
- EnableLosForSV
- EnablePYCodeForEachSV
- EnablePYCodeForSV
- EnableRFOutputForEachSV
- EnableRFOutputForSV
- EnableSV
- EnableSignalForEachSV
- EnableSignalForSV
- ForceSVGeo
- GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily
- GetAllMessageModificationIdsForSignal
- GetAllMultipathForSV
- GetAllPseudorangeRampForSV
- GetBeiDouAutonomousHealthForSV
- GetBeiDouCNavHealthInfoForSV
- GetBeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSV
- GetBeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSVResult
- GetBeiDouEphBoolParamForSV
- GetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- GetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult
- GetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForSV
- GetBeiDouHealthInfoForSV
- GetBeiDouHealthStatusForSV
- GetEphemerisErrorForSV
- GetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV
- GetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSVResult
- GetGalileoDataHealthForSV
- GetGalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- GetGalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult
- GetGalileoEphDoubleParamForSV
- GetGalileoSignalHealthForSV
- GetGlonassAlmanacUnhealthyFlagForSV
- GetGlonassEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- GetGlonassEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult
- GetGlonassEphDoubleParamForSV
- GetGlonassEphemerisHealthFlagForSV
- GetGpsAntiSpoofingFlagForSV
- GetGpsCNavAlertFlagToSV
- GetGpsConfigurationCodeForSV
- GetGpsConfigurationForEachSV
- GetGpsConfigurationForEachSVResult
- GetGpsDataHealthForSV
- GetGpsEphBoolParamForEachSV
- GetGpsEphBoolParamForEachSVResult
- GetGpsEphBoolParamForSV
- GetGpsEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- GetGpsEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult
- GetGpsEphDoubleParamForSV
- GetGpsL1HealthForSV
- GetGpsL1cHealthForSV
- GetGpsL2HealthForSV
- GetGpsL5HealthForSV
- GetGpsNavAlertFlagForSV
- GetGpsSignalHealthForSV
- GetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav1
- GetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav2
- GetMessageModificationToBeiDouD1Nav
- GetMessageModificationToBeiDouD2Nav
- GetMessageModificationToGalileoFNav
- GetMessageModificationToGalileoINav
- GetMessageModificationToGlonassNav
- GetMessageModificationToGpsCNav
- GetMessageModificationToGpsCNav2
- GetMessageModificationToGpsLNav
- GetMessageModificationToGpsMNav
- GetMessageModificationToNavICNav
- GetMessageModificationToQzssLNav
- GetMessageModificationToQzssSlas
- GetMultipathForID
- GetNavICEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- GetNavICEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult
- GetNavICEphDoubleParamForSV
- GetNavICEphDoubleParamForSVResult
- GetNavICL5HealthForSV
- GetNavICL5HealthForSVResult
- GetNavICNavAlertFlagForSV
- GetNavICNavAlertFlagForSVResult
- GetPerturbations
- GetPerturbationsForAllSat
- GetPowerForSV
- GetPrnOfSVID
- GetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForEachSV
- GetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForEachSVResult
- GetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForSV
- GetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForEachSV
- GetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForEachSVResult
- GetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForSV
- GetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForEachSV
- GetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForEachSVResult
- GetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForSV
- GetPseudorangeRampForSV
- GetQzssEphBoolParamForEachSV
- GetQzssEphBoolParamForEachSVResult
- GetQzssEphBoolParamForSV
- GetQzssEphBoolParamForSVResult
- GetQzssEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- GetQzssEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult
- GetQzssEphDoubleParamForSV
- GetQzssEphDoubleParamForSVResult
- GetQzssL1DataHealthForSV
- GetQzssL1DataHealthForSVResult
- GetQzssL1HealthForSV
- GetQzssL1HealthForSVResult
- GetQzssL1cHealthForSV
- GetQzssL1cHealthForSVResult
- GetQzssL2HealthForSV
- GetQzssL2HealthForSVResult
- GetQzssL5HealthForSV
- GetQzssL5HealthForSVResult
- GetQzssNavAlertFlagForSV
- GetQzssNavAlertFlagForSVResult
- GetSVAntennaModelForEachSV
- GetSVAntennaModelForSV
- GetSbasEphParamsForSV
- GetVisibleSV
- IsEachSVEnabled
- IsLOSEnabledForEachSV
- IsLosEnabledForSV
- IsPYCodeEnabledForEachSV
- IsPYCodeEnabledForSV
- IsRFOutputEnabled
- IsRFOutputEnabledForEachSV
- IsSVEnabled
- IsSVForcedGeo
- IsSatMotionFixed
- IsSignalEnabledForEachSV
- IsSignalEnabledForSV
- RandomizePseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovSeedsForAllSV
- RemoveAllMultipathForSV
- RemoveAllPseudorangeRampForSystem
- RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily
- RemoveMessageModificationForSignal
- ResetPerturbations
- SetBeiDouAutonomousHealthForSV
- SetBeiDouCNavHealthInfoForSV
- SetBeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSV
- SetBeiDouEphBoolParamForSV
- SetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- SetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForSV
- SetBeiDouHealthInfoForSV
- SetBeiDouHealthStatusForSV
- SetBeiDouUraIndexForSV
- SetEphemerisErrorForSV
- SetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV
- SetGalileoDataHealthForSV
- SetGalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- SetGalileoEphDoubleParamForSV
- SetGalileoSignalHealthForSV
- SetGalileoSisaE1E5aIndexForSV
- SetGalileoSisaE1E5bIndexForSV
- SetGlonassAlmanacUnhealthyFlagForSV
- SetGlonassEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- SetGlonassEphDoubleParamForSV
- SetGlonassEphemerisHealthFlagForSV
- SetGpsAntiSpoofingFlagForSV
- SetGpsCNavAlertFlagToSV
- SetGpsConfigurationCodeForSV
- SetGpsConfigurationForEachSV
- SetGpsDataHealthForSV
- SetGpsEphBoolParamForEachSV
- SetGpsEphBoolParamForSV
- SetGpsEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- SetGpsEphDoubleParamForSV
- SetGpsL1HealthForSV
- SetGpsL1cHealthForSV
- SetGpsL2HealthForSV
- SetGpsL5HealthForSV
- SetGpsNavAlertFlagForSV
- SetGpsSignalHealthForSV
- SetGpsUraIndexForSV
- SetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav1
- SetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav2
- SetMessageModificationToBeiDouD1Nav
- SetMessageModificationToBeiDouD2Nav
- SetMessageModificationToGalileoFNav
- SetMessageModificationToGalileoINav
- SetMessageModificationToGlonassNav
- SetMessageModificationToGpsCNav
- SetMessageModificationToGpsCNav2
- SetMessageModificationToGpsLNav
- SetMessageModificationToGpsMNav
- SetMessageModificationToNavICNav
- SetMessageModificationToQzssLNav
- SetMessageModificationToQzssSlas
- SetMultipathForSV
- SetNavICEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- SetNavICEphDoubleParamForSV
- SetNavICL5HealthForSV
- SetNavICNavAlertFlagForSV
- SetNavICUraIndexForSV
- SetPerturbations
- SetPerturbationsForAllSat
- SetPowerForSV
- SetPrnOfSVID
- SetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForEachSV
- SetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForSV
- SetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForEachSV
- SetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForSV
- SetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForEachSV
- SetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForSV
- SetPseudorangeRampForSV
- SetQzssEphBoolParamForEachSV
- SetQzssEphBoolParamForSV
- SetQzssEphDoubleParamForEachSV
- SetQzssEphDoubleParamForSV
- SetQzssL1DataHealthForSV
- SetQzssL1HealthForSV
- SetQzssL1cHealthForSV
- SetQzssL2HealthForSV
- SetQzssL5HealthForSV
- SetQzssNavAlertFlagForSV
- SetQzssUraIndexForSV
- SetSVAntennaModelForEachSV
- SetSVAntennaModelForSV
- SetSatMotionFixed
- SetSbasEphParamForSV
Deprecated Commands:
- ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouCNav1Message is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouD1NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouD2NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToGalileoFNavMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToGalileoINavMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToGlonassNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToGpsCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToGpsCNavMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToGpsMNavMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToGpsNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - ClearAllModificationsToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForNavMsgFamily instead. - EnableLOS is deprecated.
Use EnableLosForSV instead. - EnableLOSForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use EnableLosForEachSV instead. - EnablePY is deprecated.
Use EnablePYCodeForSV instead. - EnablePYForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use EnablePYCodeForEachSV instead. - EnablePrn is deprecated.
Use EnableSV instead. - EnablePrns is deprecated.
Use EnableEachSV instead. - EnableRF is deprecated.
Use EnableRFOutputForSV instead. - EnableRFForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use EnableRFOutputForEachSV instead. - EnableSignal is deprecated.
Use EnableSignalForSV instead. - EnableSignalForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use EnableSignalForEachSV instead. - GetAllMultipathForPrn is deprecated.
Use GetAllMultipathForSV instead. - GetBeiDouCNav1Message is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav1 instead. - GetBeiDouCNav1Messages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetBeiDouCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav2 instead. - GetBeiDouCNav2Messages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetBeiDouCNavSatelliteHealthInfo is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouCNavHealthInfoForSV instead. - GetBeiDouD1NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToBeiDouD1Nav instead. - GetBeiDouD1NavigationMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetBeiDouD2NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToBeiDouD2Nav instead. - GetBeiDouD2NavigationMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphBoolParamForSV instead. - GetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - GetBeiDouEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use GetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - GetBeiDouPerturbations is deprecated.
Use GetPerturbations instead. - GetBeiDouPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use GetPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - GetBeiDouSatelliteAutonomousHealth is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouAutonomousHealthForSV instead. - GetBeiDouSatelliteHealthInfo is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouHealthInfoForSV instead. - GetBeiDouSatelliteHealthStatus is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouHealthStatusForSV instead. - GetGalileoEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use GetGalileoEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - GetGalileoEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use GetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - GetGalileoFNavMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToGalileoFNav instead. - GetGalileoFNavMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetGalileoINavMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToGalileoINav instead. - GetGalileoINavMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetGalileoPerturbations is deprecated.
Use GetPerturbations instead. - GetGalileoPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use GetPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - GetGalileoSatelliteDataHealth is deprecated.
Use GetGalileoDataHealthForSV instead. - GetGalileoSatelliteSignalHealth is deprecated.
Use GetGalileoSignalHealthForSV instead. - GetGlonassDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use GetGlonassEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - GetGlonassNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToGlonassNav instead. - GetGlonassNavigationMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetGlonassSatelliteAlmanacUnhealthyFlag is deprecated.
Use GetGlonassAlmanacUnhealthyFlagForSV instead. - GetGlonassSatelliteEphemerisHealthFlag is deprecated.
Use GetGlonassEphemerisHealthFlagForSV instead. - GetGpsCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToGpsCNav2 instead. - GetGpsCNav2Messages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetGpsCNavMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToGpsCNav instead. - GetGpsCNavMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetGpsCodePrn is deprecated.
Use GetPrnOfSVID instead. - GetGpsEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use GetGpsEphBoolParamForSV instead. - GetGpsEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use GetGpsEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - GetGpsEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use GetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - GetGpsMNavMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToGpsMNav instead. - GetGpsMNavMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetGpsNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToGpsLNav instead. - GetGpsNavigationMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetGpsPerturbations is deprecated.
Use GetPerturbations instead. - GetGpsPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use GetPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - GetGpsSVConfiguration is deprecated.
Use GetGpsConfigurationCodeForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteAntiSpoofingFlag is deprecated.
Use GetGpsAntiSpoofingFlagForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteCNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use GetGpsCNavAlertFlagToSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteDataHealth is deprecated.
Use GetGpsDataHealthForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteL1Health is deprecated.
Use GetGpsL1HealthForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteL1cHealth is deprecated.
Use GetGpsL1cHealthForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteL2Health is deprecated.
Use GetGpsL2HealthForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteL5Health is deprecated.
Use GetGpsL5HealthForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use GetGpsNavAlertFlagForSV instead. - GetGpsSatelliteSignalHealth is deprecated.
Use GetGpsSignalHealthForSV instead. - GetMessageModifications is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForSignal instead. - GetMultipath is deprecated.
Use GetMultipathForID instead. - GetNavICL5Message is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToNavICNav instead. - GetPYEnabledForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use IsPYCodeEnabledForEachSV instead. - GetPrnsEnabled is deprecated.
Use IsEachSVEnabled instead. - GetPseudorangeRamp is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeRampForSV instead. - GetPseudorangeRamps is deprecated.
Use GetAllPseudorangeRampForSV instead. - GetQzssL1SMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToQzssSlas instead. - GetQzssLNAVNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use GetMessageModificationToQzssLNav instead. - GetQzssLNAVNavigationMessages is deprecated.
Use GetAllMessageModificationIdsForNavMsgFamily instead. - GetRFEnabledForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use IsRFOutputEnabledForEachSV instead. - GetSVAntennaModelForAllSat is deprecated.
Use GetSVAntennaModelForEachSV instead. - GetSVAntennaModelToPrn is deprecated.
Use GetSVAntennaModelForSV instead. - GetSatelliteEphemerisError is deprecated.
Use GetEphemerisErrorForSV instead. - GetSatellitePower is deprecated.
Use GetPowerForSV instead. - GetSatellitePseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForSV instead. - GetSatellitePseudorangeNoiseOffset is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForSV instead. - GetSatellitePseudorangeNoiseSineWave is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForSV instead. - GetSbasEphemerisParam is deprecated.
Use GetSbasEphParamsForSV instead. - GetSignalEnabledForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use IsSignalEnabledForEachSV instead. - GetVisibleSatellites is deprecated.
Use GetVisibleSV instead. - IsBeiDouSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use IsSatMotionFixed instead. - IsGalileoSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use IsSatMotionFixed instead. - IsGpsSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use IsSatMotionFixed instead. - IsLOSEnabled is deprecated.
Use IsLosEnabledForSV instead. - IsLOSEnabledForEachPrn is deprecated.
Use IsLOSEnabledForEachSV instead. - IsPYEnabled is deprecated.
Use IsPYCodeEnabledForSV instead. - IsPrnEnabled is deprecated.
Use IsSVEnabled instead. - IsRFEnabled is deprecated.
Use IsRFOutputEnabled instead. - IsSatGeo is deprecated.
Use IsSVForcedGeo instead. - IsSignalEnabled is deprecated.
Use IsSignalEnabledForSV instead. - RemoveAllMultipathForPrn is deprecated.
Use RemoveAllMultipathForSV instead. - RemoveModificationToBeiDouCNav1Message is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToBeiDouCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToBeiDouD1NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToBeiDouD2NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToGalileoFNavMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToGalileoINavMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToGlonassNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToGpsCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToGpsCNavMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToGpsMNavMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToGpsNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - RemoveModificationToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForNavMsgFamily instead. - ResetBeiDouPerturbations is deprecated.
Use ResetPerturbations instead. - ResetGalileoPerturbations is deprecated.
Use ResetPerturbations instead. - ResetGpsPerturbations is deprecated.
Use ResetPerturbations instead. - SetBeiDouCNavSatelliteHealthInfo is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouCNavHealthInfoForSV instead. - SetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphBoolParamForSV instead. - SetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - SetBeiDouEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use SetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - SetBeiDouPerturbations is deprecated.
Use SetPerturbations instead. - SetBeiDouPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use SetPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - SetBeiDouSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use SetSatMotionFixed instead. - SetBeiDouSatelliteAutonomousHealth is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouAutonomousHealthForSV instead. - SetBeiDouSatelliteHealthInfo is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouHealthInfoForSV instead. - SetBeiDouSatelliteHealthStatus is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouHealthStatusForSV instead. - SetBeiDouUraIndex is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouUraIndexForSV instead. - SetGalileoEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use SetGalileoEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - SetGalileoEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use SetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - SetGalileoPerturbations is deprecated.
Use SetPerturbations instead. - SetGalileoPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use SetPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - SetGalileoSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use SetSatMotionFixed instead. - SetGalileoSatelliteDataHealth is deprecated.
Use SetGalileoDataHealthForSV instead. - SetGalileoSatelliteSignalHealth is deprecated.
Use SetGalileoSignalHealthForSV instead. - SetGalileoSisaE1E5aIndex is deprecated.
Use SetGalileoSisaE1E5aIndexForSV instead. - SetGalileoSisaE1E5bIndex is deprecated.
Use SetGalileoSisaE1E5bIndexForSV instead. - SetGlonassDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use SetGlonassEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - SetGlonassSatelliteAlmanacUnhealthyFlag is deprecated.
Use SetGlonassAlmanacUnhealthyFlagForSV instead. - SetGlonassSatelliteEphemerisHealthFlag is deprecated.
Use SetGlonassEphemerisHealthFlagForSV instead. - SetGpsCodePrn is deprecated.
Use SetPrnOfSVID instead. - SetGpsEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use SetGpsEphBoolParamForSV instead. - SetGpsEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use SetGpsEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - SetGpsEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use SetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - SetGpsPerturbations is deprecated.
Use SetPerturbations instead. - SetGpsPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use SetPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - SetGpsSVConfiguration is deprecated.
Use SetGpsConfigurationCodeForSV instead. - SetGpsSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use SetSatMotionFixed instead. - SetGpsSatelliteAntiSpoofingFlag is deprecated.
Use SetGpsAntiSpoofingFlagForSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteCNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use SetGpsCNavAlertFlagToSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteDataHealth is deprecated.
Use SetGpsDataHealthForSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteL1Health is deprecated.
Use SetGpsL1HealthForSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteL1cHealth is deprecated.
Use SetGpsL1cHealthForSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteL2Health is deprecated.
Use SetGpsL2HealthForSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteL5Health is deprecated.
Use SetGpsL5HealthForSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use SetGpsNavAlertFlagForSV instead. - SetGpsSatelliteSignalHealth is deprecated.
Use SetGpsSignalHealthForSV instead. - SetGpsUraIndex is deprecated.
Use SetGpsUraIndexForSV instead. - SetModificationToBeiDouCNav1Message is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav1 instead. - SetModificationToBeiDouCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToBeiDouCNav2 instead. - SetModificationToBeiDouD1NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToBeiDouD1Nav instead. - SetModificationToBeiDouD2NavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToBeiDouD2Nav instead. - SetModificationToGalileoFNavMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToGalileoFNav instead. - SetModificationToGalileoINavMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToGalileoINav instead. - SetModificationToGlonassNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToGlonassNav instead. - SetModificationToGpsCNav2Message is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToGpsCNav2 instead. - SetModificationToGpsCNavMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToGpsCNav instead. - SetModificationToGpsMNavMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToGpsMNav instead. - SetModificationToGpsNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToGpsLNav instead. - SetModificationToNavICL5Message is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToNavICNav instead. - SetModificationToQzssL1SMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToQzssSlas instead. - SetModificationToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage is deprecated.
Use SetMessageModificationToQzssLNav instead. - SetMultipath is deprecated.
Use SetMultipathForSV instead. - SetPseudorangeRamp is deprecated.
Use SetPseudorangeRampForSV instead. - SetSVAntennaModelForAllSat is deprecated.
Use SetSVAntennaModelForEachSV instead. - SetSVAntennaModelToPrn is deprecated.
Use SetSVAntennaModelForSV instead. - SetSatGeo is deprecated.
Use ForceSVGeo instead. - SetSatelliteEphemerisError is deprecated.
Use SetEphemerisErrorForSV instead. - SetSatellitePower is deprecated.
Use SetPowerForSV instead. - SetSatellitePseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov is deprecated.
Use SetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForSV instead. - SetSatellitePseudorangeNoiseOffset is deprecated.
Use SetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForSV instead. - SetSatellitePseudorangeNoiseSineWave is deprecated.
Use SetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForSV instead. - SetSbasEphemerisParams is deprecated.
Use SetSbasEphParamForSV instead. - Aliased Commands:
- ClearAllMessageModifications is deprecated.
Use ClearAllMessageModificationsForSignal instead. - GetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForEachSV instead. - GetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovResult is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForEachSVResult instead. - GetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseOffset is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForEachSV instead. - GetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseOffsetResult is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForEachSVResult instead. - GetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseSineWave is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForEachSV instead. - GetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveResult is deprecated.
Use GetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForEachSVResult instead. - GetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSV instead. - GetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - GetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use GetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - GetEphemerisReferenceTimeResult is deprecated.
Use GetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSVResult instead. - GetGalileoEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use GetGalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - GetGalileoEphemerisDoubleParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetGalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetGlonassDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use GetGlonassEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - GetGlonassDoubleParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetGlonassEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetGpsEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use GetGpsEphBoolParamForEachSV instead. - GetGpsEphemerisBoolParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetGpsEphBoolParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetGpsEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use GetGpsEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - GetGpsEphemerisDoubleParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetGpsEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetGpsSVConfigurationForAllSat is deprecated.
Use GetGpsConfigurationForEachSV instead. - GetGpsSVConfigurationForAllSatResult is deprecated.
Use GetGpsConfigurationForEachSVResult instead. - GetNavICEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use GetNavICEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - GetNavICEphemerisDoubleParamResult is deprecated.
Use GetNavICEphDoubleParamForSVResult instead. - GetNavICEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use GetNavICEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - GetNavICEphemerisDoubleParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetNavICEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetNavICSatelliteL5Health is deprecated.
Use GetNavICL5HealthForSV instead. - GetNavICSatelliteL5HealthResult is deprecated.
Use GetNavICL5HealthForSVResult instead. - GetNavICSatelliteNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use GetNavICNavAlertFlagForSV instead. - GetNavICSatelliteNavAlertFlagResult is deprecated.
Use GetNavICNavAlertFlagForSVResult instead. - GetQzssEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphBoolParamForSV instead. - GetQzssEphemerisBoolParamResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphBoolParamForSVResult instead. - GetQzssEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphBoolParamForEachSV instead. - GetQzssEphemerisBoolParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphBoolParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetQzssEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - GetQzssEphemerisDoubleParamResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphDoubleParamForSVResult instead. - GetQzssEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - GetQzssEphemerisDoubleParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssEphDoubleParamForEachSVResult instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL1DataHealth is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL1DataHealthForSV instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL1DataHealthResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL1DataHealthForSVResult instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL1Health is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL1HealthForSV instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL1HealthResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL1HealthForSVResult instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL1cHealth is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL1cHealthForSV instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL1cHealthResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL1cHealthForSVResult instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL2Health is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL2HealthForSV instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL2HealthResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL2HealthForSVResult instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL5Health is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL5HealthForSV instead. - GetQzssSatelliteL5HealthResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssL5HealthForSVResult instead. - GetQzssSatelliteNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use GetQzssNavAlertFlagForSV instead. - GetQzssSatelliteNavAlertFlagResult is deprecated.
Use GetQzssNavAlertFlagForSVResult instead. - RandomizeSeedsForAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov is deprecated.
Use RandomizePseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovSeedsForAllSV instead. - RemoveAllPseudorangeRamp is deprecated.
Use RemoveAllPseudorangeRampForSystem instead. - RemoveMessageModification is deprecated.
Use RemoveMessageModificationForSignal instead. - SetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov is deprecated.
Use SetPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkovForEachSV instead. - SetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseOffset is deprecated.
Use SetPseudorangeNoiseOffsetForEachSV instead. - SetAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseSineWave is deprecated.
Use SetPseudorangeNoiseSineWaveForEachSV instead. - SetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphBoolParamForEachSV instead. - SetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - SetEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use SetEphemerisReferenceTimeForSV instead. - SetGalileoEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use SetGalileoEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - SetGlonassDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use SetGlonassEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - SetGpsEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use SetGpsEphBoolParamForEachSV instead. - SetGpsEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use SetGpsEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - SetGpsSVConfigurationForAllSat is deprecated.
Use SetGpsConfigurationForEachSV instead. - SetNavICEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use SetNavICEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - SetNavICEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use SetNavICEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - SetNavICSatelliteL5Health is deprecated.
Use SetNavICL5HealthForSV instead. - SetNavICSatelliteNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use SetNavICNavAlertFlagForSV instead. - SetNavICUraIndex is deprecated.
Use SetNavICUraIndexForSV instead. - SetQzssEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use SetQzssEphBoolParamForSV instead. - SetQzssEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use SetQzssEphBoolParamForEachSV instead. - SetQzssEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use SetQzssEphDoubleParamForSV instead. - SetQzssEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use SetQzssEphDoubleParamForEachSV instead. - SetQzssSatelliteL1DataHealth is deprecated.
Use SetQzssL1DataHealthForSV instead. - SetQzssSatelliteL1Health is deprecated.
Use SetQzssL1HealthForSV instead. - SetQzssSatelliteL1cHealth is deprecated.
Use SetQzssL1cHealthForSV instead. - SetQzssSatelliteL2Health is deprecated.
Use SetQzssL2HealthForSV instead. - SetQzssSatelliteL5Health is deprecated.
Use SetQzssL5HealthForSV instead. - SetQzssSatelliteNavAlertFlag is deprecated.
Use SetQzssNavAlertFlagForSV instead. - SetQzssUraIndex is deprecated.
Use SetQzssUraIndexForSV instead.
Removed Commands:
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL1HealthBit was replaced by
[Set/Get] GpsL1HealthForSV. - [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL5HealthBit was replaced by
[Set/Get] GpsL5HealthForSV. - [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL1cHealthBit was replaced by
[Set/Get] GpsL1cHealthForSV. - [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL2HealthBit was replaced by
[Set/Get] GpsL2HealthForSV.
Release 20.9.6
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed start time of simulation when synchronized with GPS Timing receiver. An offset of 2 seconds was experienced with DTA-2115B radios.
Release 20.9.5
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed GPS memory leak after simulatoin start/stop (fix from 20.8.3)
- Fixed crash occuring when changing a Custom Signal power level.
Release 20.9.4
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed maps not loading properly under Windows.
- Reduced chances of underrun when approaching the end of a trajectory.
- Fixed loading a Skydel configuration on all supported platforms. An error occured when the confiugration contained a Plug-in.
- Fixed intermittent Windows license error.
Release 20.9.3
- Changed default L0 offset for N310 SDR to 0MHz
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed GLONASS downlink parser.
- Fixed GLONASS almanac date involved in ephemeris extrapolation.
- Fixed crash when adding an IQ file jammer with an invalid metadata file.
- Fixed attitude discontinuity when importing tracks.
- Fixed GPS RINEX imports accepted values for IOD.
- Fixed crash when nmea logging was enabled with a specific number of visible satellites.
Release 20.9.2
New Features:
- Added QZSS SV type which changes QZSS L1C modulation.
- Added QZSS L1S augmentations tab to set L1S navigation message fields.
- Added Plug-in filter for configuration broadcast.
- Spoofers can now have output at a central frequency different from the truth.
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed crash when closing WF signal selection dialog.
- Fixed Plug-in position observer role now receives correct orientation.
- Fixed import EOP in GUI don’t point to the Skydel-SDX folder.
- Fixed Plug-in availability when Skydel Data Folder differs from default.
- Fixed LNA fluctuation on interference output with N310.
Remote API version 31:
- Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]SVType: Set or get SV Type (Only works with QZSS for now).
- [Set/Get]QzssL1SAugmentation: Set or get a QZSS L1S augmentation.
- RemoveQzssL1SAugmentation: Remove a QZSS L1S augmentation.
- ClearQzssL1SAugmentations: Clear all QZSS L1S augmentations.
- GetQzssL1SAugmentations: Get a list of all QZSS L1S augmentations.
Release 20.9.1
New Features:
- Added NavIC message modifications (Nav).
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed initial phase of QZSS L1C signal relative to QZSS L1C/A.
Remote API version 31:
- Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]NavICSatelliteNavAlertFlag: Set or get NavIC Nav alert flag.
- [Set/Get]ModificationToNavICL5Message: Set (or Modify) event to change NavIC L5 message bits.
Release 20.9.0
New Features:
- Added NavIC constellation simulation. NavIC L5 signal can be now be simulated with other GNSS signals.
- Added SBAS L5 signal simulation. Note: the navigation message is the same as SBAS L1.
- Added Plug-in module to Skydel: Users can now develop their own custom Plug-ins and integrate them to the Skydel GUI and simulation.
- Added RMC NMEA sentence to raw logging.
- Added GSV NMEA sentence to raw logging (only for GPS constellation).
Remote API version 31:
- Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]IssueOfDataNavIC: Set or get NavIC Issue of data, Ephemeris and Clock (IODEC)
- [Set/Get]NavICSatelliteL5Health Set or Get NavIC L5 health (Health of L5 signal)
- [Set/Get]NavICEphemerisDoubleParam: Set or Get various parameters in the NavIC ephemeris (ClockBias, ClockDrift, ClockDriftRate, Crs)
- [Set/Get]NavICEphemerisDoubleParams: same as [Set/Get]NavICEphemerisDoubleParam but for all satellites.
- SetNavICUraIndex: Set the URA index of a NavIC satellite.
- [Set/Get]SatMotionFixed: Allow to fix a satellite. It will not move during the simulation and keep its initial position calculated at the beginning of the simulation.
- [Add/Get]PlugInInstance: Add or get a plugin instance of the specified type
- RemovePlugInInstance: Remove the plugin instance with this name.
- Deprecated Commands:
- [Set/Get] QzssSatMotionFixed: replaced by [Set/Get]SatMotionFixed
- [Set/Get] QzssEphemerisReferenceTime: replaced by [Set/Get]EphemerisReferenceTime
- ResetQzssPerturbations: replaced by ResetPerturbations
- [Set/Get]QzssPerturbations: replaced by [Set/Get]Perturbations
- [Set/Get]QzssPerturbationsForAllSat: replaced by [Set/Get]PerturbationsForAllSat
Release 20.6.2
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed activation of tab menu in function of activated licenses.
Release 20.6.1
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed crash when configuration does not have a GPS signal.
Release 20.6.0
New Features:
- Added BeiDou B2a signal.
- Added Galileo E6-HAS signal.
- BeiDou simulation can now contain up to 35 satellites.
- Improved trajectory interpolation for Airborne/Spaceborne vehicle types.
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed GPS and QZSS L1 C/A message modifications issue with a non zero start time and no stop time.
Remote API version 30:
- Added Commands:
- SetModificationToBeiDouCNav2Message: Set (or Modify) event to change CNAV2 message bits.
- GetBeiDouCNav2Message: Get infos about the modifications of CNAV2 Message with this ID.
- RemoveModificationToBeiDouCNav2Message: Removes a BeiDou CNAV2 modification.
- ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouCNav2Message Clear all events to change BeiDou CNAV2 navigation message bits
- GetBeiDouCNav2Messages: Get all events’ IDs whose will modify the BeiDou CNAV2 Message for this PRN
- Modified Commands:
- GetVehicleAntennaModel: returns now value for the E6 patterns (gain and phase).
- [Set/Get]BeiDouEphemerisBoolParam: can now set/get the “IscB2adAvailable” parameter.
Release 20.4.1
Bug fixed:
- Performance issue causing underruns when having a smoothed Ground/Water vehicle trajectory.
- Fixed possible crash when using dynamic transmitter with IQ-File and a long distance between transmitter and vehicle.
- Increased maximum number of simultaneous IQ-File jammers.
- Improved general advanced jammers performance.
Release 20.4.0
New Features:
- Added QZSS constellation simulation. QZSS L1 C/A signal can be now be simulated with other GNSS signals.
- CRPA element can now be enabled or disabled in a Wavefront simulation.
- A user can now design and simulate a custom made GNSS-like signal.
- Add support to import Earth Orientation Parameters from CSV file.
- Add support to import ECI trajectory.
- GPU Benchmark is now disabled when using Output type “None”.
- Improved precision of Raw Data “Speed” and “Acceleration”.
Bug fixed:
- Fixed GPU Benchmark not taking echo number into account.
- Fixed CPU increase at the end of a route or track trajectory.
- Downlink logging is now sorted by time at start.
Remote API version 29:
- Added Commands:
- [Set/Is]WFAntennaElementEnabled: WF antenna element can be enabled or disabled. A disabled antenna element is not simulated at all.
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL1Health replaces GpsSatelliteL1HealthBit (health parameter inverted in new command to be consistant with API).
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL2Health replaces GpsSatelliteL2HealthBit. (health parameter inverted in new command to be consistant with API).
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL5Health replaces GpsSatelliteL5HealthBit. (health parameter inverted in new command to be consistant with API).
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL1cHealth replaces GpsSatelliteL1cHealthBit. (health parameter inverted in new command to be consistant with API).
- [Set/Is]WFAntennaElementEnabled: Wavefront antenna element can be enabled or disabled. A disabled antenna element is not simulated at all.
- [Set/Is]QzssSatMotionFixed: fixed the QZSS satellite position during simulation.
- [Set/Get]IssueOfDataQzss: Set QZSS Issue of data, Ephemeris (IODE) and Issue of data, Clock (IODC)
- [Set/Get]QzssSatelliteL1DataHealth: QZSS L1 C/A nav data health
- [Set/Get]QzssSatelliteL1HealthBit: Set QZSS L1 health bit (Satellite health of L1C/A signal)
- [Set/Get]QzssSatelliteL2HealthBit: Set QZSS L2 health bit (Satellite health of L2C signal)
- [Set/Get]QzssSatelliteL5HealthBit: Set QZSS L5 health bit (Satellite health of L5 signal)
- [Set/Get]QzssSatelliteL1cHealthBit: Set QZSS L1C health bit (Satellite health of L1C signal)
- [Set/Get]QzssSatelliteNavAlertFlag: Set QZSS NAV Alert Flag
- [Set/Get]QzssEphemerisReferenceTime: Set the QZSS ephemeris reference time
- [Set/Get]QzssEphemerisDoubleParam: Set various parameters in the QZSS ephemeris.
- [Set/Get]QzssEphemerisDoubleParam: Set various parameters in the QZSS ephemeris for all satellites.
- ResetQzssPerturbations: Set QZSS orbit perturbations (Crs, Crc, Cis, Cic, Cus and Cuc) to zero
- [Set/Get]QzssPerturbations: Set QZSS orbit perturbations (Crs, Crc, Cis, Cic, Cus and Cuc)
- [Set/Get]QzssPerturbationsForAllSat: Set QZSS orbit perturbations (Crs, Crc, Cis, Cic, Cus and Cuc) for all satellites.
- SetModificationToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage : Set (or Modify) event to change navigation message bits.
- GetQzssLNAVNavigationMessage: Get infos about this modification QZSS navigation message event.
- RemoveModificationToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage: Removes an event added with SetModificationToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage.
- ClearAllModificationsToQzssLNAVNavigationMessage: Clear all events to change QZSS navigation message bits.
- GetQzssLNAVNavigationMessages: Get all events’ IDs whose will modify the QZSS Navigation Message for this PRN.
- SetQzssUraIndex: Set the ura index of a QZSS satellite
- AddCustomSignal: Adds a custom signal.
- RemoveCustomSignal: Removes the custom signal with the given ID
- RemoveAllCustomSignals: Removes all the custom signals.
- ChangeCustomSignalColor: Changes the custom signal color.
- Modified Commands:
- ImportIonoParameters can now take optional type parameter to import either Klobuchar or BDGIM parameters.
- Deprecated Commands:
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL1HealthBit.
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL2HealthBit.
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL5HealthBit.
- [Set/Get] GpsSatelliteL1cHealthBit.
Release 20.2.5
Bug fixed:
- When output type is “IQ-File”, “Gaussian Noise” is effectively added to GNSS signals and stored in the IQ-File.
- Fixed propagation delay not being applied properly when resampling “IQ-File”.
Release 20.2.4
New Features:
- All “advanced jammers” signal types are now supported in Wavefront simulations.
Release 20.2.3
New Features:
- Advanced jammer type “IQ-File” can now use IQ-Files with a lower sample rate.
IQ-File will be upsampled in real-time during the simulation.
Bug fixed:
- Fixed bits mistmatch in M-Code plugin when having both L1 and L2.
- Fixed L1C signal power offset between Pilot and Data components.
Default power offset of GPS L1C is now 1.5dB higher than GPS L1 C/A.
- Fixed Earth masking of dynamic transmitter of advanced jammers.
Release 20.2.2
- Default DTA-2115B card ordering based on PCIe enumeration instead of S/N.
Release 20.2.1
New Features:
- Added more feedback on wavefront calibration.
- Added Windows compatibility for the advanced spoofing feature.
- Increased the maximum power that can be set for advanced jamming signal.
Bugs fixed:
- Missing Gaussian Noise on GNSS outputs.
- Fixed RemoveAllIntTx command execution.
- Fixed Interference output selection with signal erroneous behaviour.
- Fixed elapsed time not resetting in UI on stop.
Remote API version 28:
- Added Commands:
- [Set/Is]IntTxIgnoreRxAntennaGainPattern: Set whether a dynamic transmitter should ignore the receiver’s antenna gain pattern.
- [Set/Is]IntTxIgnoreRxAntennaPhasePattern: Set whether a dynamic transmitter should ignore the receiver’s antenna phase pattern.
- [Set/Is]SpoofTxIgnoreRxAntennaGainPattern: Set whether a spoofer should ignore the receiver’s antenna gain pattern.
- [Set/Is]SpoofTxIgnoreRxAntennaPhasePattern: Set whether a spoofer should ignore the receiver’s antenna phase pattern.
- SetIntTxIgnoreRxAntennaPatterns: Set whether a dynamic transmitter should ignore the vehicle’s antenna patterns (gain and phase).
- SetSpoofTxIgnoreRxAntennaPatterns: Set whether a spoofer should ignore the receiver’s antenna patterns (gain and phase).
- Modified Commands:
- SetIntTxIgnoreVehicleAntennaPattern is deprecated.
Use SetIntTxIgnoreRxAntennaPatterns instead.
- SetIntTxIgnoreVehicleAntennaPattern is deprecated.
- Removed Commands:
- SetSpoofTxIgnoreVehicleAntennaPattern was replaced by
- SetSpoofTxIgnoreVehicleAntennaPattern was replaced by
Release 20.2.0
New Features:
- Added Simulation of “Spoofers” (needs additional license)
- Advanced Jammers signal can now be assigned to different groups to simplify definition of a multi-band jammer
Release 20.1.0
New Features:
- Advanced Jammers can now have track trajectories.
- Interference group’s central frequency can now be set automatically with the selection of GNSS signals.
- User can now choose the “week rollover” when importing SEM or YUMA file.
- Added a command line argument to explicitly set the UDP port used by HIL connection.
- Increased PSR precision to 15 digits in Raw Data Logging.
- Added Multipath “External Channels”
Note: Automatic mode supported only (no GUI configuration)
- Updated interference maximum central frequency to 6GHz.
- Updated interference minimum central frequency to 0.1GHz.
- Added support of NMEA 4.10/4.11 parsing from U-Blox 9,
now providing the correct information in the receiver page and power bars. - In order to use HIL trajectories,
new Skydel users must have the HIL license. - In order to simulate trajectories with “Extended Limits”,
new Skydel users must have the EXLI license.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed Doppler applied to CW and IQ-File Advanced Jammers
Remote API version 28:
- Updated Documentation.txt: replaced “SDX” by “Skydel”.
- Added Commands :
- BeginIntTxTrackDefinition: Begins a new interference track definition.
- PushIntTxTrackEcef: Push an interference track ecef node.
- PushIntTxTrackEcefNed: Push an interference track ecef and ned attitude node.
- EndIntTxTrackDefinition: Completes the track started with BeginIntTxTrackDefinition command.
- ImportNmeaIntTxTrack: Import NMEA interference track file.
- EnableIntTxTrajectorySmoothing: Enables track smoothing for a transmitter.
- IsIntTxTrajectorySmoothingEnabled: Returns true if smoothing is enabled for the transmitter.
- ForceIntTxAttitudeToZero: Forces track nodes attitude to zero for a transmitter.
- IsIntTxAttitudeToZeroForced: Returns true if transmitter track nodes attidude is forced to zero.
- [Set/Get]IntTxVehicleType: Sets/Returns transmitter track vehicle type.
- Modified Commands:
- ChangeModulationTargetInterference: can now take an optional signal list.
- ImportConstellationParameters: can now take an optional argument “rollover”.
It is only used for SEM and YUMA File. Ignored else. Default value is current week rollover.
- Removed Commands:
- SetElevationMask: obsolete command removed. Replaced by SetElevationMaskBelow.
Release 19.10.2
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed PPS/RF time alignment for Dektec DTA-2115B (Offset of 1/2 sample)
- Fixed GPS Delta UTC update during simulation
- GSG-8 Support GSG-8 Calibration Table V2
Release 19.10.1
New Features:
- Improved RF output assignation for systems with more than one DTA-2115B: selection of physical RF Output can now be fixed in the SKYDEL application prefenrences.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed loading config with transmitter with custom antenna pattern.
- Fixed SuccessResult returned in GUI even if command failed in RAPI for some commands.
- Fixed execution of simulation when one Dektec DTA-2115B RF Output had no signal selected.
Release 19.10.0
New Features:
- Application SDX is now called SKYDEL !
This change is only cosmetic:- Default Documents remains “Documents/SKYDEL-SDX”
- All saved configurations are still valid and usable.
- Added BeiDou B1C signal.
- Improved Gaussian Noise feature:
- Power level accuracy is improved
- IQ sample saturation is avoided
- Gaussian Noise values are constantly generated instead of using repeated buffer
- Added new column in raw log for multipath: “Echo PSR Offset (m)”
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed crash when posting EnableLOS for a non-present PRN at runtime.
- Fixed crash when posting SetMultipath, RemoveMultipath and EnableMultipath for a non-present PRN at runtime.
- Fixed Multipath PSR Offset not take into account in echo raw log PSR.
- Fixed Reduced Almanac Packet transmitted for non present PRN in GPS CNAV message type 37.
- When using Dektec DTA-2115B, “Gaussian Noise” is now activated by default:
This permits greater control over C/N0 ratios for sensitity testing. - When using Dektec DTA-2115B for Interference signal:
Changed default output gain from +50dB to +30dB. - Removed N210 Output Type.
This device is not supported anymore by Skydel. - All commands containing the word “Beidou” now spell “BeiDou”.
See below for the complete list. - In raw logs, columns
“Doppler Offset (Hz)” and “Carrier Phase Offset (rad)”
have been renamed
“Echo Doppler Offset (Hz)” and “Echo Carrier Phase Offset (rad)”
Remote API version 27:
- Added Commands :
- ModificationToBeiDouCNav1Message:
Sets or modifies event to change B1C message bits. - GetBeiDouCNav1Message: Gets information about the B1C message.
- RemoveModificationToBeiDouCNav1Message: Removes a B1C message modification.
- ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouCNav1Message: Clears all B1C message modifications.
- GetBeiDouCNav1Messages: Gets all B1C modification events’ IDs.
- [Set/Get]IonoBdgimAlpha: Sets/returns the BeiDou (BDGIM) ionospheric Alpha coefficient (in TECu).
- [Set/Get]BeidouEphemerisBoolParam:
Sets/returns various boolean parameters in the BeiDou ephemeris. - [Set/Get]BeidouEphemerisBoolParams:
Sets/returns BeiDou ephemeris boolean parameter value for all satellites. - [Set/Get]BeiDouCNavSatelliteHealthInfo:
Sets/returns BeiDou CNav satellite health info. - [Set/Get]BeiDouSatelliteHealthStatus:
Sets/returns BeiDou satellite health status. - [Set/Get]IssueOfDataBeiDou:
Sets/returns BeiDou issue of data clock and ephemeris.
- ModificationToBeiDouCNav1Message:
- Renamed Commands:
- SetBeidouSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouSatMotionFixed instead. - IsBeidouSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Use IsBeiDouSatMotionFixed instead. - IsBeidouSatMotionFixedResult is deprecated.
Use IsBeiDouSatMotionFixedResult instead. - SetAgeOfDataBeidou is deprecated.
Use SetAgeOfDataBeiDou instead. - GetAgeOfDataBeidou is deprecated.
Use GetAgeOfDataBeiDou instead. - GetAgeOfDataBeidouResult is deprecated.
Use GetAgeOfDataBeiDouResult instead. - SetBeidouEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphemerisReferenceTime instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisReferenceTime is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisReferenceTime instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisReferenceTimeResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisReferenceTimeResult instead. - SetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParam instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParam is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParam instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParamResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParamResult instead. - SetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParams instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParams is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParams instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisDoubleParamsResult instead. - SetBeidouEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParam instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisBoolParam is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParam instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisBoolParamResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParamResult instead. - SetBeidouEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParams instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisBoolParams is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParams instead. - GetBeidouEphemerisBoolParamsResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouEphemerisBoolParamsResult instead. - ResetBeidouPerturbations is deprecated.
Use ResetBeiDouPerturbations instead. - SetBeidouPerturbations is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouPerturbations instead. - GetBeidouPerturbations is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouPerturbations instead. - GetBeidouPerturbationsResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouPerturbationsResult instead. - SetBeidouPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use SetBeiDouPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - GetBeidouPerturbationsForAllSat is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouPerturbationsForAllSat instead. - GetBeidouPerturbationsForAllSatResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouPerturbationsForAllSatResult instead. - GetBeidouD1NavigationMessages is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouD1NavigationMessages instead. - GetBeidouD1NavigationMessagesResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouD1NavigationMessagesResult instead. - GetBeidouD2NavigationMessages is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouD2NavigationMessages instead. - GetBeidouD2NavigationMessagesResult is deprecated.
Use GetBeiDouD2NavigationMessagesResult instead. - SetBeidouUraIndex is deprecated.
MvUse SetBeiDouUraIndex instead.
- SetBeidouSatMotionFixed is deprecated.
Release 19.7.5
New Features:
- Added baud rate 460800 for serial connections to receivers and time
- sources.
Bugs fixed:
- Potential crash when adding SBAS message 25.
- Made SBAS TOC locale independant in configuration file.
Release 19.7.4
Bugs fixed:
- Multipath settings were not updated after using SetMultipath command at runtime.
Release 19.7.3
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed intermittent X300 DAC sync error when starting simulation with two or more X300s.
Release 19.7.2
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed SdxActivation file generation.
Release 19.7.1
New Features:
- Added change rate in semi-major axis and rate of mean motion difference to satellites orbits.
Bugs fixed:
- Improved SBAS correction messages rates.
- Fixed multipath Pseudorange raw logging.
- Fixed SBAS non-present PRNs.
- Fixed health overwrite for non present PRNs during simulation.
- Added L1C signal to the GPU benchmark.
Release 19.7.0
New Features:
- Added GPS L1C signal for ranging and navigation message decoding validation.
- Added support from the National Instruments / Ettus Research N310 SDR.
- Added the capability to use IOD values from a RINEX file.
- Added the capability to import ionospheric parameters from a RINEX file.
- Added the capability to modify leap seconds for all time modes.
- Added the capability to obtain the official leap seconds for a given date.
- Added Doppler Frequency, PSR Change Rate, and Fast and Long Term Errors in raw logging.
- Added the capability to display PSR ramps names from Preferences.
- Added clock and track errors for GLONASS.
- Added a preference option for Master/Slave configurations: Simulator can now stop the simulation if a Slave is stopped.
- When a slave instance reports a warning or an error, the master will also report it.
- Updated company name: Skydel is now part of Orolia.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed crash when stopping simulation during the initialization.
- Fixed option “ignoreAntennaPattern” for Interferences: this option was not saved in configuration file, and the GUI was not correctly updated.
- Fixed Galileo constellation: the PRNs 33 to 36 were not shown in the receiver skyplot.
- Fixed SBAS message 25 wrong clock corrections.
- Fixed BeiDou health information display.
- Fixed settings health pages refresh.
3rd party library update:
- WARNING: Now using UHD from Ettus Research. When using X300/X310 devices, their FPGA image must be updated. See Skydel’s users web site for instructions and download package.
Remote API version 26:
- Added Commands :
- ImportIonoParameters: Import ionospheric parameters from a RINEX file.
- SetIssueOfData: can now take optional boolean to tell whether to use RINEX IODE values or the value set by this command.
- SetIssueOfDataGalileo: can now take optional boolean to tell whether to use RINEX IODNAV values or the value set by this command.
- GetOfficialLeapSecond: Returns official leap seconds for a given date.
- GetLastLeapSecondDate: Returns the last known leap second date.
- [Set/Get]GpsSatelliteL1cHealthBit: Sets/Returns CNAV-2 L1C health bit.
- EnableCnav2Pages: Enables CNAV-2 L1C navigation message pages.
- GetEnableCnav2Pages: Returns “enabled CNAV-2 L1C navigation message” pages.
- ModificationToGpsCNav2Message: Set or modify event to change CNAV-2 message bits.
- GetGpsCNav2Message: Get information about the CNAV-2 message.
- RemoveModificationToGpsCNav2Message: Removes a CNAV-2 message modification.
- ClearAllModificationsToGpsCNav2Message: Clears all CNAV-2 message modifications.
- GetGpsCNav2Messages: Gets all CNAV-2 modification events’ IDs.
- Modified commands:
- [Set/Get]IntTxAWGN: can now take an optional seed number.
- GetVehicleAntennaModel: now returns also gain and phase pattern offset.
Release 19.3.5
Bugs fixed:
- Multipath settings was not updated after suing SetMultipath command at runtime.
Release 19.3.4
New Feature:
- Added clock and track errors for GLONASS…
Bugs fixed:
- Python Remote API: the client code now handles messages split over more than one TCP/IP packet.
- Python Remote API: Fixed Python 3 support.
Release 19.3.3
New Feature:
- RINEX file import: added support of RINEX format version 3.04.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed vehicle antenna gain pattern offset.
- Fixed crash when logging GLONASS RINEX files.
- Fixed undos of Delete[SV/Vehicle]AntennaModel: gain pattern was not reset.
- Fixed the time when SetPps0GpsTime is applied.
Release 19.3.2
Bug fixed:
- Fixed SetGpsEphemerisDoubleParams commands always returning “Invalid Ephemeris Parameters Count”.
Remote API version 25:
- Added Commands:
- SetPps0GpsTime: Set the 0th PPS’ date time.
Release 19.3.1
New Feature:
- Updated Dektec DTA-2115B library to version 2019-02. This version increases the maximum sampling rate to 85MSPS on the DTA-2115B.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed GPS TGD values loading from SDX configuration file.
- Fixed GLONASS RINEX logging: RINEX file was sometimes missing the first ephemeris block used by SDX.
- Fixed GPS CA empty messages in decoded downlink file.
Release 19.3.0
New Features:
- Added the possibility to set a different GIVEI grid for each SBAS service provider.
- Added SDCM and GAGAN service providers for SBAS message 18 IGP mask.
- Added the possibility to set the current configuration as the default configuration for all future simulations. Note: If a previously saved output template is found, SDX will load the template only if no default configuration exists. We recommend that you save these outputs as a default configuration from now on.
- Added possibility to log downlink files before and/or after signal encoding.
- It is now possible to add up to 5 concurrent DTA-2115B outputs.
Bugs fixed:
- Increased central frequency precision in Interference outputs.
- When Doppler shift value is too high: SDX will now report a warning message instead of stopping the simulation.
Remote API version 25:
- Added Commands :
- SetIntTxIgnorePropagationLoss: Set whether a dynamic transmitter should ignore propagation loss or not.
- SetIntTxIgnoreVehicleAntennaPattern: Set whether a dynamic transmitter should ignore the vehicle’s antenna pattern.
- SetDefaultConfiguration : Set the current configuration as the default configuration.
- ResetDefaultConfiguration : Reset the default configuration.
- ImportNmeaTrack: Import NMEA track file.
- Modified commands:
- New: can now take optional loadDefaultConfig flag. By default, the default configuration is not loaded.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridGIVEI: can now take an optional service provider, if not given, will set for every service provider and return WAAS values.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridGIVEIAll: can now take an optional service provider, if not given, will set for every service provider and return WAAS values.
- [Import/Export]IonoGridGIVEI: can now take an optional service provider, if not given, will import for every service provider and export WAAS values.
- EnableLogDownlink/IsLogDownlinkEnabled: can now have optional before/after encoding values. By default, the downlink is created after signal encoding.
- [Set/Get]VehicleTrajectoryCircular: can now take an optional OriginAngle.
- [Set/Get]IntTxCircular: can now take an optional OriginAngle.
- Removed BladeRF Output Type. This device is not supported anymore by Skydel SDX.
Release 19.1.2
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed KML import
Release 19.1.1
Bugs fixed:
- Improved alignment of PPS and RF signals
- Crash when passing an invalid instance-id
- API robot was missing
Release 19.1.0
New Features:
- Added editable grid for the SBAS message 18 mask
- Added editable grid for the SBAS message 26 GIVEI
- Added the possibility to add offsets to the ionospheric model
- Added the possibility to use the ionospheric offset grid for the SBAS message 26
- Added SBAS messages 18 (IGP mask) and 26 (IGP corrections)
- Added possibility to change SV Antenna Patterns (gain and phase offset)
- Increased GPS L5 power offset (1.5 dB up) and updated satellite gain pattern
- Lowered SBAS L1 power offset (1 dB down)
- Lowered Galileo E5a and E5b power offset (2 dB down)
- Added the possibility to apply a health parameter to all satellites in a constellation
- Uniformized health settings behaviour in all constellations for non-present PRNs
- Added the possibility to choose the GPS Anti-Spoofing (AS) flag in the Health settings page.
- Added new columns to the raw data logging:
- Receiver antenna azimut
- Receiver antenna elevation
- Receiver arrier phase offset
- SV antenna azimut
- SV antenna elevation
- SV carrier phase offset
- Added almanac messages in GPS L2C and L5 signals
- Updated Galileo default ephemeris file: SISA default value is no longer undefined or unknown.
- Added support of the “GNSS SDR Metadata format”: Generated IQ-Files will now use that format. Importing IQ-Files supports this new format, as well as the the previous custom SDX format.
- Added the possibility to modify the serial port settings when connecting to a Receiver
- Added the possibility to choose the rate at which the NMEA data is logged
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed elapsed time not updating when having an interference output in None mode.
- Fixed Deviation tab’s Display Settings not loading properly
- When generating GNSS signal with “Gaussian Noise” to IQ-File, Gaussian Noise is effectively added to the signal in the IQ-File.
Remote API version 24:
- Added Commands :
- IsTrajectoryCompleted: Returns whether the route or track is completed.
- GetConfigPaths: Returns a list of paths for all the files in the Configurations folder.
- AddVehicleGainPatternOffset
- GetVehicleGainPatternOffset
- GetAllSVAntennaNames
- AddSVGainPatternOffset
- GetSVGainPatternOffset
- [Set/Get]SVAntennaGain
- [Set/Get]SVAntennaPhaseOffset
- SetSVAntennaGainCSV
- SetSVAntennaPhaseOffsetCSV
- AddEmptySVAntennaModel
- DeleteSVAntennaModel
- RenameSVAntennaModel
- CopySVAntennaModel
- ImportSVAntennaModel
- ExportSVAntennaModel
- [Set/Get]SVAntennaModelToPrn
- [Set/Get]SVAntennaModelForAllSat
- [Set/Get]GpsSatelliteAntiSpoofingFlag: Set/Get the GPS anti-spoofing flag.
- [Set/Get]LogNmeaRate: Rate at which the NMEA data is logged.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridError: Error offset for a ionospheric grid point.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridGIVEI: GIVEI for a ionospheric grid point.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridMask: Flag for a ionospheric grid point in the SBAS message 18 mask.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridErrorAll: All the error offsets in the ionospheric grid.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridGIVEIAll: All the GIVEI in the ionospheric grid.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridMaskAll: All the mask flags in the ionospheric grid for a given service provider.
- [Set/Get]IonoGridErrorAll: All the error offsets in the ionospheric grid.
- [Import/Export]IonoGridErrors: Import/Export ionospheric grid errors.
- [Import/Export]IonoGridGIVEI: Import/Export ionospheric grid GIVEI.
- [Import/Export]IonoGridMask: Import/Export ionospheric grid mask for a given service provider.
- ApplyDelayInSbas: Set if the ionospheric error grid should be used for SBAS corrections in message 26.
- IsDelayAppliedInSbas: Whether the ionospheric error grid is used in SBAS message 26.
- EnableIonoOffset: Set if the ionospheric error grid should be applied to the ionosphere.
- IsIonoOffsetEnabled: Whether the ionospheric error grid is applied to the ionosphere.
- SetSbasHealthRanging: Apply ranging flag for a SBAS satellite.
- SetSbasHealthCorrections: Apply correction flag for a SBAS satellite.
- SetSbasHealthIntegrity: Apply integrity flag for a SBAS satellite.
- SetSbasHealthReserved: Apply reserved flag for a SBAS satellite.
- SetSbasHealthService: Apply service provider for a satellite.
- Modified commands:
- [Set/Get]VehicleAntennaPhaseOffset: gain argument has been renamed in phaseOffset.
- SetSbasEphemerisParams: we can now change health parameters during simulation.
- Modified behaviour :
- WaitSimulatorState no longer blocks other commands to be executed.
- Removed commands:
- SetEnabledSbasMessages: Replaced by EnableSbasMessages.
- SetGpsTime: Replaced by SetGpsStartTime.
- SetSatPower: Replaced by SetSatellitePower.
- SetSbasMonitoredConstellations: Replaced by SetSbasMonitoredSystems
- SetChirpToIntTx: Replaced by SetIntTxChirp.
- SetCWToIntTx: Replaced by SetIntTxCW.
- SetPulseToIntTx: Replaced by SetIntTxPulse.
- SetBPSKToIntTx: Replaced by SetIntTxBPSK.
- SetBocToIntTx: Replaced by SetIntTxBOC.
- SetAWGNToIntTx: Replaced by SetIntTxAWGN.
- SetPowerGpsCaOffset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGpsL2COffset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGpsPcodeL1Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGpsPcodeL2Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGpsMcodeL1Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGpsMcodeL2Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGpsL5Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGlonassG1Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGlonassG2Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGalileoE1Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGalileoE5aOffset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerGalileoE5bOffset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerBeiDouB1Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerBeiDouB2Offset: Replaced by SetPowerOffset.
- SetPowerWaasOffset: Replaced by SetPowerSbasOffset.
- SetPowerEgnosOffset: Replaced by SetPowerSbasOffset.
- SetPowerMsasOffset: Replaced by SetPowerSbasOffset.
- ImportRinex: Replaced by ImportConstellationParameters.
Release 18.10.4
Bug fixed:
- Fixed initialization of DTA-2115B SDR. Updated DTA-2115B driver compatibility to version 4.26.4 (July 2018). See DekTec Drivers and SDKs to get the DTA-2115B drivers.
Release 18.10.3
Bug fixed:
- Fixed Hardware-In-The-Loop with Master/Slave connection when using DTA-2115B.
Release 18.10.2
New Feature:
- Added Galileo AltBOC signal.
Release 18.10.1
New Features:
- Added the possibility to change the transmited PRN for GPS. Any PRN from 1 to 210 can be used.
- Changed default output gain to +50dB for interferences transmitted on a DTA-2115B SDR (previous default was +40dB).
- Changed DTA-2115B default reference clock to external.
- DTA-2115B outputs automatically get an increment device index.
- Changed the output settings layout to fit more outputs in one page.
- Remote API version 23:
- Added Commands:
- [Set/Get]GpsCodePrn: Set/Get the transmitted PRN code for the specified satellite.
- Added Commands:
Bugs Fixed:
- During Arm state, GUI was not updated when a signal level was changed.
- Fix undo of DeleteVehicleAntenna command.
- Fix importing large NMEA files.
- Fix output template when using DTA-2115B outputs.
- Fix overlapping text in power reference dialog under Windows.
Release 18.10.0
New Features:
- Added the possibility to define several vehicle antenna models and swap them during the simulation using a sequencer.
- Added HIL input log to a CSV File.
- Added the possibility to add new message modifications during a simulation.
- Added a new advanced jammer signal: IQ file playback.
- Remote API version 23:
- Added Commands:
- EnableHILInput: Enable HIL input logging in a CSV file.
- IsHILInputLoggingEnabled: Check if HIL input logging is enabled.
- ImportVehicleAntennaModel: import an antenna model via a XML file
- ExportVehicleAntennaModel: export an antenna model in a XML file
- SetVehicleAntennaGainCSV: Set vehicle antenna gain from a CSV file
- SetVehiclePhaseOffsetCSV: Set vehicle antenna phase offset from a CSV file
- GetVehicleAntennaModel: Regroup all infos about an antenna model (all gain and phase offset patterns, and offset)
- AddEmptyVehicleAntennaModel : Create a new empty antenna model with the specified name.
- DeleteVehicleAntennaModel : Delete the specified antenna model. “Basic” antenna model can’t deleted. If the default antenna model is deleted, basic antenna model is set as new default antenna model.
- RenameVehicleAntennaModel : Rename the specified antenna model with the specified name. “Basic” antenna model can’t be renamed.
- CopyVehicleAntennaModel : Make a copy of the specified antenna model with the specified name. Every antenna model can be copied.
- Set/GetDefaultAntennaModel : Set/Get default antenna model name.
- [Set/Get]AntennaChange : Add/edit or get info about an antenna change.
- RemoveAntennaChange : Remove an antenna change.
- ClearAllAntennaChanges : Clear all antenna changes.
- [Set/Get]IntTxIqFile: [Set/Get] IQ file signal interference.
- Modified commands:
- [Set/Get]VehicleAntennaGain : Now take the name of an antenna model as an optional parameter. The modification is only applied to the specified antenna model. Empty antenna model name means we apply the modification to the “Basic” antenna(for backward compatibility).
- [Set/Get]VehicleAntennaPhaseOffset : Now take the name of an antenna model as an optional parameter. The modification is only applied to the specified antenna model. Empty antenna model name means we apply the modification to the “Basic” antenna(for backward compatibility).
- [Set/Get]VehicleAntennaOffset : Now take the name of an antenna model as an optional parameter. The modification is only applied to the specified antenna model. Empty antenna model name means we apply the modification to the “Basic” antenna(for backward compatibility).
- Added Commands:
Bugs Fixed:
- EnableRFForEachPrn was blocking user script when called while simulating.
- Fix downlink logging of Galileo E5a message: page 6 was incorrectly numbered 5.
Release 18.7.3
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed NaN values in SBAS motion setting page.
Release 18.7.2
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed incorrect 1ms offset of GPIO commands
- Fixed time sync between SDX instances when sampling rates are different
- Fixed GPS Sync time receiver wrongly treated as simulation receiver
- Fixed usage of Ettus N210 device without PPS signal
Release 18.7.1
New Features:
- Improved dynamic model for spacecraft receiver’s simulation. Please note: Multi-paths “Phase Offset” sign is now reversed when compared to previous versions of SDX.
- Added RINEX file generation during simulation.
- Added control over GPS and BeiDou URA Index as well as Galileo SISA(E1,E5a) and SISA(E1,E5b).
- Can now import GLONASS RINEX V3.0 files.
- Remote API version 22:
- Added Commands:
- EnableLogRinex: Enable RINEX logging.
- IsLogRinexEnabled: Check if RINEX logging is enabled.
- SetGpsUraIndex: Set the ura index of a GPS satellite.
- SetBeidouUraIndex: Set the ura index of a BeiDou satellite.
- SetGalileoSisaE1E5aIndex: Set the SISA(E1,E5a) index of a Galileo sat.
- SetGalileoSisaE1E5bIndex: Set the SISA(E1,E5b) index of a Galileo sat.
- Modified commands:
- SetModificationToGalileoINavMessage: two new parameters added.
- Added Commands:
Bugs Fixed:
- Application of timed commands related to signal power are now applied on the expected simulation elapsed time. Note: they were applied 1ms too early in previous versions of SDX.
- Fix SDX crash when using command “SetSatGo” with and invalid PRN.
- Fix SDX crash when GPU benchmark was using more than 30 BeiDou satellites.
- Fix Galileo E5b navigation message (E1 navigation message was used).
Release 18.7.0
In this release, we changed the default start date to 2018-06-21. As a consequence, the number of leap seconds is now 18. The default ephemeris for all constellations was also updated with recent data.
New Features:
- Added SDX Anechoic Mode and Anechoic Chamber Builder tool.
- Added Galileo message modifications (FNav/INav).
- Downlink logging is now available for all navigation messages.
- Added Python library to parse downlink simulation logs. It also comes with a Python example to parse downlink files and generate human readable text files. Look for the Python script.
- Added “Make geostationary” button to put GPS, Galileo or BeiDou satellites on geostationnary orbit.
- Added Auto leap second in deviation graph. This ensures that the UTC time in the NMEA data coming from the receiver is properly aligned with GPS time before updating the deviation graph.
- Can now set the GPS SV Configuration (in Health page settings).
- Can now enable or disable a specific PRN in a constellation with the “Present” flag in the Signals settings page.
- The signal power offsets are now regrouped by constellation in the UI and can be changed during simulation.
- Added a pop up for SBAS import RINEX results.
- Added error on the clock (noise) for each satellite in GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou and SBAS.
- Properly handles SBAS NMEA data sent from connected receiver.
- Added SBAS fast corrections and long term corrections.
- Can now import YUMA and SEM file for GPS constellation params.
- Health for BeiDou and Galileo can now be changed at runtime.
- Ionospheric parameters (alpha,beta) are no longer imported from RINEX files.
- Improved ionospheric model for LEO orbit.
- Locked GPIO library with license key.
- Remote API version 22:
- Renamed Commands (deprecated commands still work, but will be removed in a future release):
- SetSatPower is deprecated. Use SetSatellitePower instead.
- SetGpsTime is deprecated. Use SetGpsStartTime instead.
- SetEnabledSbasMessages is deprecated. Use EnableSbasMessages instead.
- SetCWToIntTx is deprecated. Use SetIntTxCW instead instead.
- SetChirpToIntTx is deprecated. Use SetIntTxChirp instead.
- SetPulseToIntTx is deprecated. Use SetIntTxPulse instead.
- SetBPSKToIntTx is deprecated. Use SetIntTxBPSK instead.
- SetBocToIntTx is deprecated. Use SetIntTxBOC instead.
- SetAWGNToIntTx is deprecated. Use SetIntTxAWGN instead.
- SetPowerWaasOffset is deprecated. Use SetPowerSbasOffset instead.
- SetPowerEgnosOffset is deprecated. Use SetPowerSbasOffset instead.
- SetPowerMsasOffset is deprecated. Use SetPowerSbasOffset instead.
- SetPowerGpsCaOffset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGpsL5Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGpsMcodeL1Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGpsMcodeL2Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGpsPcodeL1Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGpsPcodeL2Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerBeiDouB1Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerBeiDouB2Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGalileoE5aOffset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGalileoE5bOffset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SetPowerGalileoE1Offset is deprecated. Use SetPowerOffset instead.
- SbasMonitoredConstellations is deprecated. Use SbasMonitoredSystems instead.
- Added Commands
- GetVersion: Ask Skydel SDX version.
- SetModificationToGalileo[FNav|INav]Message: Create or modify a Galileo message modification.
- RemoveModificationToGalileo[FNav|INav]Message: Removes a Galileo message modification.
- ClearAllModificationsToGalileo[FNav|INav]Message: Clear all Galileo message modifications.
- GetGalileo[FNav|INav]Messages: Get all the Galileo message modification IDs.
- GetGalileo[FNav|INav]Message: Get information about a Galileo message modification.
- SetSatGeo: Put a satellite in a geostationary orbit.
- IsSatGeo: Test whether a satellite is in a geostationary orbit.
- EnableSbasFastCorrectionsFor: Controls what SBAS compensate in its fast corrections.
- IsSbasFastCorrectionsEnabledFor: Test what SBAS compensate in its fast corrections.
- EnableSbasLongTermCorrectionsFor: Controls what SBAS compensate in its long term corrections.
- IsSbasLongTermCorrectionsEnabledFor: Test what SBAS compensate in its long term corrections.
- [Set/Get]GpsSVConfiguration: Set/Get the SV Config for one PRN.
- [Set/Get]GpsSVConfigurationForAllSat: Set/Get the SV Config for all satellites.
- [Set/Get]IntTxCW: Set/Get CW interference.
- [Set/Get]IntTxChirp: Set/Get Chirp interference.
- [Set/Get]IntTxPulse: Set/Get Pulse interference.
- [Set/Get]IntTxBPSK: Set/Get BPSK interference.
- [Set/Get]IntTxBOC: Set/Get BOC interference.
- [Set/Get]IntTxAWGN: Set/Get Gaussian noise interference.
- EnablePrn/IsPrnEnabled: Enable/Disable a satellite.
- EnablePrns/GetPrnsEnabled: Enable/Disable all satellites.
- UndoCmd: Undo the last executed command (like Ctrl-z).
- [Set/Get]PowerOffset: Set/Get power offset value for one signal.
- [Set/Get]PowerSbasOffset: Set/Get power offset value for one SBAS service provider.
- ImportConstellationParameters: Replaces the ImportRinex command.
- [Set/Get]Gpu: Set/Get the GPU associated with RF output.
- [Set/Is]UsingVelocityInSbasMessage25
- Other Get/Set commands were added. Consult Documentation.txt for a complete inventory of available commands.
- The following commands add errors on the pseudorange and are compensated in SBAS fast correction messages:
- [Set/Get]SatellitePseudorangeNoiseOffset
- [Set/Get]AllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseOffset
- [Set/Get]SatellitePseudorangeNoiseSineWave
- [Set/Get]AllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseSineWave
- [Set/Get]SatellitePseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov
- [Set/Get]AllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov
- RandomizeSeedsForAllSatellitesPseudorangeNoiseGaussMarkov
- The following command add errors along/accros/radial on the satellite trajectory. These errors are compensated in SBAS long term correction messages:
- [Set/Get]SatelliteEphemerisError
- Modified Commands:
- SetPowerGlobalOffset: Can now be used both at runtime and in idle.
- SetBeiDouSatelliteHealthInfo: Can now be used both at runtime and in idle.
- SetBeiDouSatelliteAutonomousHealth: Can now be used both at runtime and in idle.
- SetGalileoSatelliteSignalHealth: Can now be used both at runtime and in idle.
- SetGalileoSatelliteDataHealth: Can now be used both at runtime and in idle.
- ImportRinex : The command is now generic but deprecated. You can use it for every constellation. ImportRinex(system, filePath)
- ChangeModulationTargetInterference, AddIntTx, SetIntTxGroup: Interference group number is now [1…16]
- Removed Commands:
- SetMainWindowCurrentView
- SetSettingsPageCurrentMenuItem
- RemoveSbasSatellite: Replaced with the presence flag EnablePrn(“SBAS”, prnNumber, false)
- ImportBeidouRinex: Replaced by generic command ImportConstellationParameters(“BEIDOU”, path)
- ImportGlonassRinex: Replaced by generic command ImportConstellationParameters(“GLONASS”, path)
- ImportGalileoRinex: Replaced by generic command ImportConstellationParameters(“GALILEO”, path)
- ImportSbasRinex: Replaced by generic command ImportConstellationParameters(“SBAS”, path)
- Added LabVIEW example for vehicle antenna gain 3D pattern.
- Added LabVIEW example for HIL trajectory.
- Renamed Commands (deprecated commands still work, but will be removed in a future release):
Bugs Fixed:
- Message modification was applied one message length later than expected for GLONASS and GPS CNAV.
- Improved RINEX file importation robustness.
- Undo of SetPowerB1Offset now set the right offset.
- Power offset outside limits ([-45;10] db) are rejected.
- Correction of ionospheric parameters in navigation messages.
- Fix BeiDou message corruption from GUI.
- Master/Slave corner cases.
Release 18.1.10
Bug Fixed:
- Reduced CPU usage when pausing a Track or Route simulation
Release 18.1.9
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed raw logging inaccuracy introduced in 17.12.0
Release 18.1.8
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed BeiDou pseudorange ramps.
Release 18.1.7
New Feature:
- Added automatic scroll option for the Automate tab in Preferences.
Release 18.1.6
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed error happening when starting simulation on a X300/X310 equipped with a GPSDO under Windows.
- Changed X300/X310 “PPS Out” connector behaviour:
- Using external 10MHz and using external PPS: the “PPS Out” connector outputs no signal.
- Using External 10MHz without external PPS: the “PPS Out” connector will always have a PPS signal alligned with GNSS signals.
- Using GPSDO 10MHz reference clock: the “PPS Out” connector will always have a PPS signal alligned with GNSS signals.Timing diagrams in the user manual (section 9) reflect these changes.
- Fixed clock drift (af1) extrapolation.
- Improved GLONASS satellite trajectory smoothing.
- Fixed SDX internal threading to avoid hang caused by Windows Time service.
Release 18.1.5
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed positions computation around the North and South poles
- Fixed rounding of IQ-Samples in float2fix conversion
Release 18.1.4
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed bug preventing to send Attitude when using HIL in the C++ remote API
Release 18.1.3
New Features:
- Added a USRP preference to control the behaviour of the X300’s “PPS out” connector
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed import of SBAS rinex files
- Fixed GPU benchmark when using more than one radio
Release 18.1.2
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed wrong UTC time offset reference in L2C message
- Corrected Multipath Doppler Offset: cumulative error had reversed sign
- Fixed rounding of timestamp for remote API “Post” commands. Commands could be executed 1ms too early.
Release 18.1.1
User Manual:
- Updated Recommended Computer (Section 5.4.2)
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed crashing SBAS signal selection at runtime.
- Fixed Power Level of Dektec card when used to transmit Advanced Jammer
Release 18.1.0
New Features:
- Added basic SBAS L1 support to allow tracking of the satellites. Includes enough information to enable DGPS mode on the receiver.
- Improved Dektec support (still in BETA); adjustment to power levels.
- Remote API version 21:
- Added Commands:
- SetPowerWaasOffset: Set power offset default value for WAAS satellites.
- SetPowerEgnosOffset: Set power offset default value for EGNOS satellites.
- SetPowerMsasOffset: Set power offset default value for MSAS satellites.
- MessageSequenceImport: Import a sequence file.
- RemoveSbasSatellite: Remove a SBAS satellite.
- SetSbasEphemerisParams: Set parameters for a SBAS satellite ephemeris.
- ImportSbasRinex: Import SBASS navigation message file.
- SetEnabledSbasMessages: Set the enabled SBAS message 63 is always enabled.
- SetSbasMonitoredConstellations: Set the constellations monitored by SBAS.
- SetSbasUdrei: Set the global UDREI value transmitted by SBAS.
- Added Commands: