Orolia Skydel Release Notes (pre-version 18)
Release 17.12.1
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed raw logging inaccuracy introduced in 17.12.0
Release 17.12.0
New Features:
- Changed GLONASS health related commands execution persmission to allow changes while the simulation is running.
- Added support for GLONASS positive/negative leap second event.
- Added support for Dektec DTA-2115B SDR (BETA).
- Added master/slave configuration synchronization.
- Antenna patterns for vehicle and dynamic jammers are now in 3D.
- Added gain control for BladeRF radio.
- Automatically reduce the BladeRF gain when Gaussian noise is enabled to avoid IQ overflow.
- Remote API version 21:
- Modified Commands:
- SetGlonassSatelliteEphemerisHealthFlag: Can now be executed during a simulation.
- SetGlonassSatelliteAlmanacUnhealthyFlag: Can now be executed during a simulation.
- SetIntTxAntenna: Now takes a 3D gain antenna pattern instead of a 2D one.
- Removed Commands:
- SetVehicleAntenna: Replaced by SetVehicleAntennaGain.
Before: SetVehicleAntenna(, “None”, “L1”)
Now: SetVehicleAntennaGain(, AntennaPatternType.AntennaNone, GNSSBand.L1))
- SetVehicleAntenna: Replaced by SetVehicleAntennaGain.
- Added Commands:
- SetVehicleAntennaGain: Set a 3D gain antenna pattern.
- SetVehicleAntennaPhaseOffset: Set a 3D phase offset antenna pattern.
- AntennaPatternType enum: Possible values for antenna patterns.
- GNSSBand enum: The different GNSS bands.
- BroadcastConfig: Ask the master to broadcast its configuration to all slaves.
- CancelBroadcastConfig: Cancel the current configuration broadcast if any.
- SetConfigBroadcastOnStart: Set wether the master should send its configuration to every slave when simulation start.
- ConfigFilter enum: The different kinds of filters for configuration.
- SetConfigBroadcastFilter: Set the filter for configuration broadcast.
- Modified Commands:
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed BeiDou leap second event WN and DN in navigation message.
- Fixed leap second displayed in dashboard after leap second event.
- Fixed underruns when using a directory with low speed (network directory, usb stick, …) as output directory.
- Fixed a bug preventing multi-instance to start when using the same configuration.
- Changed maximum gain on USRP radios from 35 dB to 30 dB to avoid non linear range.
Release 17.10.5
Warning: Any version of SDX between 17.10.2 and 17.10.4 (included) installed on Ubuntu have been installed in the wrong directory.
To uninstall them, use the following command: sudo apt remove “skydel-sdx*”
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed installer for ubuntu
Release 17.10.4
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed L2C Navigation message polarity
Release 17.10.2
New Features:
- When adding UHD radios in the UI, their IP address will increment automatically
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed a crash when importing kml files
Release 17.10.1
New Features:
- Added message modification/corruption for BeiDou B1/B2
- Added downlink data logging for BeiDou B1/B2
- Remote API version 20:
- Modified Commands:
- SetBocToIntTx: Added a new parameter to switch from Sine-Phase to Cosine-Phase BOC
- Added Commands:
- SetModificationToBeiDouD1NavigationMessage: Add a modification to BeiDou D1 messages
- RemoveModificationToBeiDouD1NavigationMessage: Remove a modification to BeiDou D1 messages
- ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouD1NavigationMessage: Remove all modifications to BeiDou D1 messages
- SetModificationToBeiDouD2NavigationMessage: Add a modification to BeiDou D2 messages
- RemoveModificationToBeiDouD2NavigationMessage: Remove a modification to BeiDou D2 messages
- ClearAllModificationsToBeiDouD2NavigationMessage: Remove all modifications to BeiDou D2 messages
- GetSlaveStatus: Request for the slave status, returns a GetSlaveStatusResult
- GetSlaveStatusResult result: Result of GetSlaveStatus
- GetMasterStatus: Request for the master status, returns a GetMasterStatusResult
- GetMasterStatusResult result: Result of GetMasterStatus
- Modified Commands:
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed usage of Vehicle Antenna Power Pattern for L5 signal
- Fixed Min/Max Sampling Rate drop-down list issue
- Fixed PPS/RF out time offset (15ns offset when using X300)
Release 17.10.0
New Features:
- Added new chapter 9 in user manual to explain how to precisely control timing with multiple simulators, PPS and HIL
- Added GPS L5 signal
- Added support for Hardware-In-Loop in Master/Slave configurations
- Added BeiDou D2 navigation message
- Added week number and TOW to signal log files
- Added option to manually synchronize SDX with a PPS
- Added downlink data logging for GPS L1C/A
- Added the possiblity to change transmitter’s color in spectrum
- Added the possibilty to run a simulation using only Advanced Jammers transmitters
- Added some smaller sampling range that can be used with Advanced Jammers transmitters
- Remote API version 19
- Modified Commands:
- SimulatorSubState enum: Added the new substates identifiers
- Start: Now blocks until the simulator is started. In case of HIL, blocks until the simulator is ready to accept positions. While blocked, only the Stop command is allowed.
- Arm: Now blocks until the simulator is armed. While blocking, only the Stop command is allowed.
- EnableSignal: Accepts L5 as a signal key
- EnableSignalForEachPrn: Accepts L5 as a signal key
- SetGpsSatelliteDataHealth: Now allowed to be executed during a simulation
- SetGpsSatelliteSignalHealth: Now allowed to be executed during a simulation
- SetGpsSatelliteL5HealthBit: Properly affects L5 satellites
- ChangeModulationTargetSignals: Accepts L5 as a signal key
- SetMultipath: Accepts L5 as a signal key
- RemoveAllMultipathForSignal: Accepts L5 as a signal key
- WaitSimulatorState: Blocks until desired State, FailureState or Error state is reached. While blocking, only the AbortWaitSimulatorState command is allowed
- SetSatPower: Accepts PRN 0 to set all satellites’ power offset
- Removed Command:
- EnableLogMNavDownlink: replaced by EnableLogDownlink
- Added Commands:
- EnableLogDownlink: Enable/Disable Logging of downlink data text file in csv format, as of today only GPS L1 C/A and MNAV are supported
- SetPowerGpsL5Offset: Set power offset default value for GPS L5 signal
- ChangeIntTxColor: Change a transmitter color in spectrums
- AbortWaitSimulatorState: Abort the current WaitSimulatorState if any
- ArmPPS: Arm the system for further PPS synchronization instructions
- WaitAndResetPPS: Ask SDX to reset its PPS counter
- StartPPS: Start the simulation at the given PPS count
- GetVisibleSatellites: Get a list of visible satellites within a system, returns a GetVisibleSatellitesResult
- GetVisibleSatellitesResult: Result of GetVisibleSatellites
- GetSatellitePower: Get the decomposed power of a satellite. Returns GetSatellitePowerResult.
- GetSatellitePowerResult: Result of GetSatellitePower
- Modified Commands:
Bugs Fixed
- Improved server error detection in street map route wizard
- Fixed simulation stopping when all satellites are in the same position
- Improved connection robustness between master and slave
Release 17.8.2
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed performance issue on Nvidia GPU GTX 9xx and earlier generations
Release 17.8.1
New Features
- Added accumulated doppler range, week number and time of week columns to raw log files
- Improved NMEA parsing to support text sentences mixed with binary data
- Added display settings and clear trace buttons in map tab
- Show info in map tab now show/hide more information
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed crash during log file creation under systems with asian local
- Fixed intermittent crash of GPU benchmark
- Updated map and route calculation widget for better performance
Release 17.8.0
Important Note
- Upgraded to latest official UHD driver and firmware (003-010-002-000) USRP X300/X310 requires firmware update. Other radios are not affected.
New Features:
- Multiple improvements to the GUI:
- Added spectrum view for each RF output
- Added status log
- Added label on map traces
- Display HDOP, VDOP, TDOP and PDOP for the simulated satellites
- Added Advanced Jammers (requires licence upgrade to enable feature)
- Build custom interferences by combining multiple waveforms such as CW, Chirp, Pulse, BPSK, BOC and AWGN. Put these interferences on moving transmitters and let SDX simulate all the dynamics of the combined RF signals.
- Added Gaussian noise to GNSS signal selection list and control signal to noise ratio the validate C/No with precision and accuracy.
- Added RF gain control for each output.
- Added GGA message to NMEA simulator log.
- Connection with receiver (NMEA stream) is now done in binary mode instead of text mode. If receiver corrupts NMEA sentence with binary data, the sentence is ignored and the serial port stays open.
- Added support of vehicle info in python remote API.
- Added option to disable propagation delay (used for PPS calibration and timing receiver calibration)
- Added GPS second of the week and week number in raw csv log file.
- Added LLA vs. ECEF display in Preferences > General. The information panel (Map tab) will display simulated position and receiver position in the prefered system.
- Remote API version 18
- Deleted Command:
- SetGpsPropagationDelay (replaced with SetPropagationDelay)
- Added Commands:
- SetPropagationDelay
- ChangeModulationTargetInterference
- SetDefaultIntTxPersistence
- AddIntTx
- RenameIntTx
- EnableIntTx
- SetIntTxGroup
- SetIntTxRefPower
- SetIntTxPersistence
- SetIntTxNone
- SetIntTxFix
- SetIntTxFixEcef
- SetIntTxCircular
- SetIntTxHil
- SetIntTxAntenna
- SetIntTxAntennaOffset
- RemoveIntTx
- RemoveAllIntTx
- SetCWToIntTx
- SetChirpToIntTx
- SetPulseToIntTx
- SetBPSKToIntTx
- SetBocToIntTx
- SetAWGNToIntTx
- EnableIntTxSignal
- RemoveSignalFromIntTx
- RemoveAllSignalsFromIntTx
- SetSpectrumVisible
- ClearStatusLog
- GetStatusLog
- LogLevel enum
- LogRecord data
- GetStatusLogResult result
- CommandGroup
- Modified Commands:
- SimulatorState enum: added description
- SimulatorSubState enum: added description
- ChangeModulationTargetSignals: Min/Max rate accepts 60M samples, added 2 arguments: Gain and GaussianNoise
- SetRfGain: takes an extra “Output” argument
- SetInterferenceChirp: SweepTime is in µs
- ShowMapAnalysis: Execute permission changed
- Deleted Command:
Release 17.7.1
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed year value (N4 in string 5) in GLONASS navigation message
Release 17.7.0
New Features:
- Added licensing support without dongle
- Updated Ettus UHD driver to version
- Added support for GPS NAV/CNAV health live control during simulation
Release 17.1.11
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed acceleration calculation for Earth-Orbiting Spacecraft Trajectory
Release 17.1.10
New Feature:
- Added checkbox in GPS General Settings to disable signal propagation delay. If unchecked, the signal propagation delay for GPS is forced to 0 seconds
Release 17.1.9
New Feature:
- User can now set Almanac next upload time offset, and upload time interval
Release 17.1.8
New Feature:
- Added --skip-release-note option
Bugs Fixed:
- Corrected time reference in receiver orbital trajectory
- Improved deceleration/acceleration smoothness when user click pause/resume
Release 17.1.7
New Features:
- Added support of GPS timing receiver to set the scenario start time in multi-instance configuration.
Release 17.1.6
New Features:
- Added LabVIEW wrapper for basic Remote API commands
- Added --log-path command line option to specify simulator.log output location. SDX assumes the path is a folder and will append /simulator.log
- Added --minimized-window command line option
- Added a new API example in C# for windows to demonstrate how to control the simulator using HIL in real time. The example allows the user to control the vehicle trajectory using the keyboard arrows
- Support for multi-instance with temporary license
- Remote API version 17
- Command “GetSimulatorState” now returns 2 more fields: Simulator’s State Id and Sub-State Id.
Bug Fixed:
- Fix HIL latency when using X300 (problem introduced in SDX 17.1.0)
- Fix pause/resume for non-moving vehicle.
- Fix SDX Multi-instance license verification (intermittent failure).
Release 17.1.5
Bug Fixed:
- When using X-Series radio: Issue a warning on “Transmission Sequence Error” instead of stopping simulation.
Release 17.1.4
Bugs Fixed:
- Fix intermittent X300 Reference Clock error by adding a retry mechanism.
- Avoid X300 FPGA hang when no PPS signal is connected and using more than one X300s.
Release 17.1.3
New Feature:
- Let user specify PSR ramp with 4 digits precision (0,0001m resolution) from the GUI.
Bug Fixed:
- Fix intermittent X300 DAC error by adding a retry mechanism.
Release 17.1.2
New Feature:
- Add almanac time of applicability offset control for GPS NAV message in Settings->GPS->General.
Bug Fixed:
- Fix iono and tropo values in raw log file for Lower L-band. Affects only the log file. The values use in the simulation engine are correct.
Release 17.1.1
Bug Fixed:
- Fix crash on startup when current Nvidia driver does not support CUDA 8.0.
Release 17.1.0
New Features:
- Add multipath propagation and LoS obstruction.
- Add message type id zero for L2C CNAV.
- Add message modification/corruption for L2C CNAV.
- Add Signal Level offset for M-Code and BeiDou.
- Y-Code can now be enabled/disabled while the simulation is running.
- Add Armed state which allow more flexibility to synchronize SDX. Some SDR may take longer to initialize. The Arm state will prepare all hardware so that when the Start command is received, there will be minimal delay. This greatly improves software synchronization performance. Hardware sync is always a better option when tight sync is required.
- Is is possible to change many settings in the Armed state such as the power sliders before the simulation starts.
- Automatically archive simulator.log file if application is terminated improperly.
- Let user specify time offset when synchornizing with timing receiver.
- Add Velocity and Acceleration to receiver log file (csv)
- Add optional Winsock 1 support for C++ API
- In SdxApi lib, add WINSOCK1 definition in Configuration Properties->C/C+±>Preprocessor->Preprocessor Definitions
- In your dll or executable, change ws2_32.lib to wsock32.lib dependency in Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies
- BladeRF:
- Support External Reference Clock of 38.4MHz.
- Support dual BladeRF operation with Master/Slave configuration. (BETA)
- Updated to “bladeRF Release 2016.06”:
- Integrated FPGA image v0.6.0
- Integrated libbladeRF v1.7.2
- REQUIRED FX3 Firmware version 2.0.0
- Add streaming buffer size in preferences (affects HIL latency).
- Add real-time GPIO control for X300/310 SDR (BETA).
- Remote API version 16
- Add Server and Client API Version getters
- Add RemoteSimulator.arm()
- Add optional “Fail if version mismatch” parameter for RemoteSimulator.connect()
- Added Commands:
- SetStartTimeOffset: Allows to specify an offset when synchronizing SDX with a timing receiver.
- SetPowerGpsMcodeL1Offset
- SetPowerGpsMcodeL2Offset
- SetPowerBeiDouB1Offset
- SetPowerBeiDouB2Offset
- SetModificationToGpsCNavMessage
- RemoveModificationToGpsCNavMessage
- ClearAllModificationsToGpsCNavMessage
- SetMultipath
- EnableMultipath
- RemoveAllMultipathForSignal
- RemoveAllMultipathForPrn
- RemoveAllMultipathForSystem
- EnableLOS
- ClearAllLOSForSystem
- EnableLOSForEachPrn
- SetStreamingBuffer
Bugs Fixed:
- Fix health bits in Page 25, subframe 4 and 5 in GPS Nav message.
- Fix TOW value in L2C signal. In some circumpstances, the TOW could be offset by 12 seconds.
- When using user defined antenna pattern or no pattern for lower L-Band, the power was 3 dB higher than it should have been.
- AS bit in GPS nav message is now properly updated when Y-Code is enabled.
- Stop API command will no longer return an error if it is sent when SDX is already stopped and if the command has no timestamp.
- Improve almanac extrapolation.
Release 16.11.2
Bugs Fixed:
- Intermittent issue when using multiple channels: the generated signal could be wrong on one of the RF Outputs. All RF Outputs are now forced to use the same sampling rate.
Release 16.11.1
New Features:
- Window of validity for Galileo navigation message was changed. The time of ephemeris is now always in the past by 600 to 1200 seconds. The update interval is now 600s.
- Window of validity for BeiDou navigation message was changed. The time of ephemeris is now always in the past by 0 to 3600 seconds. The update interval is now 3600s.
- Updated GPS and Galileo health when importing Rinex.
- Added health page for BeiDou and GLONASS.
- Added Quit command to quit SDX through API.
- Remote API version 15:
- Added Commands
- Quit
- SetBeiDouSatelliteHealthInfo
- SetBeiDouSatelliteAutonomousHealth
- SetGlonassSatelliteEphemerisHealthFlag
- SetGlonassSatelliteAlamanacUnhealthyFlag
- GetLastHilWarning (to replace GetHilWarning)
- ResetHilWarning
- Modified Command:
- SimulationElapsedTimeResult: Fixed typo in variable name (milliseconds)
- HilWarningResult: new parameters to indicate if extrapolation occured
- Removed Commands
- GetHilWarning (replaced by GetLastHilWarning)
- Added Commands
Bugs Fixed:
- In GPS->Health settings, show correct Data Health choices in combo box.
- Fixed bug where simulation would stop when pause is pressed if config has “Stop at the end of trajectory”.
Release 16.11.0
New Features:
- Added User Manual in Help menu
- Added Galileo E5a and E5b signals
- Added BeiDou B1 and B2 signals
- Redesigned Modulation Page to simplify signals selection. As a result, the remote API had to be changed (see details below). Existing configurations can be loaded, but the sampling rate might change. It is recommended to save the configuration to update the file format to the latest version.
- The Modulation page was renamed “Output” in the Settings menu
- Let user import Rinex navigation message file for Galileo constellation
- Added support for Rinex version 3
- Receiver and Analysis tabs are now optimized for NMEA 0183 version 4.10
- Galileo I/NAV word types 8, 9 and 10 (almanac) now set signal health status according to user parameters set in configuration. In version 16.7.0, only the word type 5 was set with user parameters.
- Added support for minute unit in CSV parser wizard
- Added F/NAV Source Diversity settings to let user choose almanac offset for each satellites (referred as parameter K in Galileo ICD)
- Added BeiDou → Motions and BeiDou → Perturbations Page
- Added Age of Issue Button in BeiDou → General Settings
- GPS time is now displayed as week and second instead of rollover, week and second. The week includes the rollover (value can exceed 1023).
- Added option to automatically stop the simulation at the end of a track or route trajectory
- Remote API version 14:
- Added Commands
- General Commands:
- GetSimulationElapsedTime
- GetGpsStartTime
- SetModulationTarget
- RemoveModulationTarget
- ChangeModulationTargetName
- ChangeModulationTargetSignals
- RemoveAllModulationTargets
- MessageSequenceInsert
- MessageSequenceRemove
- MessageSequenceSwap
- EnableSimulationStopAtTrajectoryEnd
- Commands related to Galileo constellation:
- SetPowerGalileoE5aOffset
- SetPowerGalileoE5bOffset
- SetGalileoFnavSatellite
- Commands related to BeiDou constellation:
- SetAgeOfDataBeidou
- SetBeidouSatMotionFixed
- SetBeidouEphemerisReferenceTime
- SetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParam
- SetBeidouEphemerisDoubleParams
- ResetBeidouPerturbations
- SetBeidouPerturbations
- SetBeidouPerturbationsForAllSat
- ImportBeidouRinex
- General Commands:
- Removed Commands
- Added Commands
Removed Command | Replaced by |
SetSamplingRate | ChangeModulationTargetSignals |
SetModulationOutput | SetModulationTarget |
SetModulationOutputFile | SetModulationTarget |
SetModulationOutputUsrpN210 | SetModulationTarget |
SetModulationOutputUsrpX300 | SetModulationTarget |
SetModulationOutputBladeRF | SetModulationTarget |
SetOutputCombo | ChangeModulationTargetSignals |
Bugs Fixed:
- Galileo E1 Signal: inversion of navigation message bits
- Changing CSV column separator in wizard now correctly update column picker
- Fixed bug introduced in 16.7.0 where update sat position check box in GPS and Galileo orbits pages had no effect
- Fixed speed of imported routes from csv, when speed is speciefied in Km/h
- Fixed heading if vehicle when vehicle motion is paused
- First message in L2C message sequence is now aligned with GPS second 0 instead of simulation start time
Release 16.7.3
New Features:
- Added GPS NAV/CNAV Alert Flag control during simulation
- Remote API
- Modified Commands
- SetGpsSatelliteNavAlertFlag: Changed command execution permission
- SetGpsSatelliteCNavAlertFlag: Changed command execution permission
- Modified Commands
Release 16.7.2
New Features:
- Added GPS NAV/CNAV Alert Flag control in Settings>GPS>Heatlh
- Remote API
- Added Commands
- SetGpsSatelliteNavAlertFlag: Set Alert Flag value for GPS NAV message
- SetGpsSatelliteCNavAlertFlag: Set Alert Flag value for GPS CNAV message
- Added Commands
Release 16.7.1
Bugs Fixed:
- Fixed performance issue when new satellite appears in the Skyview.
- Fixed bug introduced in 16.7.0 where edit to idot (inclination rate) was discarded.
Release 16.7.0
New Features:
- Added Galileo E1 signal.
- Moved Leap Seconds Future from Settings>GPS>General to Settings>Start Time.
- The LSF setting applies to both GPS and Galileo navigation message. By default, LSF is now enabled.
- Redesigned the Sky View with new color coding to improve readability when GPS, GLONASS and GALILEO are enabled simulataneously. Also, satellites with negative elevation are displayed with a minus sign above the PRN number. For GEO orbit, if a GNSS satellite is exposing its back side to the receiver, a dot will be displayed below the PRN number. Click the ‘i’ button in the Sky View to see the legend.
- Added feature to allow multiple instances of SDX to run on the same computer. Requires a new license file.
- Default ephemeris for GPS and GLONASS has changed
- Default simulation start time has changed
- Remote API
- Added Commands
- SetGalileoSatMotionFixed: Allow to fix the Galileo satellite position in space.
- SetIssueOfDataGalileo: Set Galileo Issue of data (IOD nav & IOD alm).
- SetGalileoSatelliteDataHealth: Set Galileo data health.
- SetGalileoSatelliteSignalHealth: Set Galileo signal health.
- SetPowerGalileoE1Offset: Set global power offset for Galileo E1 signal.
- ImportGalileoRinex: Import Galileo RINEX file.
- SetGalileoEphemerisReferenceTime: Change the orbit parameters reference time for Galileo.
- SetGalileoEphemerisDoubleParam: Change Galileo orbit paramter value.
- SetGalileoEphemerisDoubleParams: Change Galileo orbit parameter value for all satellites at once.
- ResetGalileoPerturbations: Set Cxx parameters to zero for Galileo.
- SetGalileoPerturbations: Set Cxx parameters for Galileo.
- SetGalileoPerturbationsForAllSat: Set Cxx parameters for Galileo for all satellites at once.
- Modified Commands
- EnableRF / EnableRFForEachPrn: System parameter value “Galileo” is now accepted.
- EnableSignal / EnableSignalForEachPrn: Signal parameter value “E1” is now accepted.
- Added Commands
Release 16.6.2
New Feature:
- Added antenna gain and signal power in raw (csv) log file.
Release 16.6.1
Bugs Fixed:
- Under Linux, fixed group permissions of SDX’s lockfile. This could prevent multiple users to start SDX.
Release 16.6.0
New Features:
- GPS navigation message is now updated based on signal selection.
- Added option to ignore GGA fix quality when importing NMEA file.
- Reversed reserved bits in GPS NAV message (subframe 1) from 0101 to 1010…
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed transmission of GPS L2C and GPS L2P signals when simulation start time is “Current Computer Time”.
- Fixed multi-user lock mechanism of SDX under Linux.
Release 16.5.1
New Features:
- Improve Route and Track interpolation algorithm for airborne/spaceborne vehicle to minimize acceleration and jerk.
- Add python example to import a realistic airplane track from a 6DoF csv file.
- Add Signals selection page in GLONASS settings to enable RF and/or specific signals for each satellite individually.
- Add Alpha/Beta Ionospheric corr. controls in Atmosphere Settings.
- Remote API
- Added Commands
- EnableRFForEachPrn : Enable/disable RF for all PRN with a vector.
- SetIonoAlpha / SetIonoBeta : Set the ionospheric corr. alpha/beta.
- Modified Commands
- EnableRF : Let you set all satellites to same value using PRN 0. The command also work for GLONASS now.
- EnableSignal : The command also work for GLONASS now.
- Added Commands
Release 16.5.0
New Features:
- Vehicle motion now has 6 degrees of freedom (6DoF). Body position is defined with (x,y,z) in ECEF and attitude is defined with yaw, pitch and roll in the body carried NED system. The antenna offset also has 6DoF and is defined with x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll in the body frame.
- Removed vehicle trajectory length limitation.
- Add support for Route and Track. Route are defined with speed, position and attitude while Tracks are defined with timestamp, position and attitude.
- Antenna pattern is now defined for [-90…+90] degrees instead of [0…+90].
- Add receiver GEO orbit support.
- Add Ionospheric model for spacecraft.
- Rename Ionospheric model “Simple” to “Klobuchar”.
- Improve signal strength model which now works for ground, airborne and spaceborne vehicles.
- It is now possible to set satellite power even when they are masked.
- Elevation mask now let you mask below and above user defined angles. It is also possible to disable masking function.
- Sky view now display satellites with negative elevation angle if they are not eclipsed by the Earth. The Earth masking line is also displayed in blue when the receiver altitude is above 100km.
- Remote API version 13
- Added Commands
- ClearAutomatePage : Same as clicking on Clear button in Automate Page.
- Pause : Pause vehicle motion during simulation.
- Resume : Resume vehicle motion during simulation.
- SetElevationMaskBelow : Mask satellite with elevation angle below value.
- EnableElevationMaskBelow : Enable elevation mask.
- SetElevationMaskAbove : Mask satellite with elevation angle above value.
- EnableElevationMaskAbove : Enable elevation mask.
- SetGpsEphemerisBoolParam : Set various bool parameters in Ephemeris.
- ImportTrack : Import CSV track file (timestamped positions).
- SetVehicleAntennaOffset : Set position and angular antenna offset.
- EnableTrajectorySmoothing : Enable/Disable trajectory smoothing for Track or Route.
- ForceAttitudeToZero : Force vehicle yaw, pitch and roll to zero.
- BeginTrackDefinition / EndTrackDefinition : Functions to construct a Track for the vehicle trajectory.
- PushRouteEcef : Replaces PushRouteNode and work with ECEF XYZ instead of LLA coordinates.
- SetVehicleTrajectoryFixEcef : Same as SetVehicleTrajectoryFix but use ECEF XYZ instead of LLA coordinates.
- Modified Commands
- SetStartTimeMode : Mode is now a string instead of a boolean value
- SetVehicleTrajectoryFix : Now contains additional parameters: Yaw, Pitch and Roll.
- Removed Commands
- ImportVehiculeTrajectory
- PushRouteNode (Replaced with PushRouteEcef)
- Deprecated Commands
- SetElevationMask (Use SetElevationMaskBelow instead)
- Added Commands
Bugs fixed:
- Af0 and Af1 are now coerced with correct limits.
- Fix issue with Rinex import tool when file is missing satellites.
- Python script export now end lines with carriage return and line feed for Windows.
Release 16.3.0
New Features:
- Remote API C++: Add example to receive real-time vehicle informations broadcasted by SDX during simulation
- Import NMEA: Now accept files which contain only GGA or only RMC sentences
- Add control to set GPS orbit reference time
- L2C NAV message is replaced with CNAV message
- Add Signal Selection combinaison for X300/310:
- GPS L1C/A + GLONASS G1 on RF A and
- GPS L2C + GLONASS G2 on RF B simultaneously
- Note: This option requires 50M samples per second. Recommended GPU is GeForce GTX 980 or better
- Let user choose between GPSDO and EXTERNAL clock
- Changes to Settings menu
- Move Rinex import from Settings>GPS>Orbit to Settings>GPS>General
- Rename Settings>GLONASS>Import Files as Settings>GLONASS>General
- Warn user if selected sampling rate is insufficient for selected signals
- PPS out calibration
- Remote API version 12
- Added Commands
- LockGUI, UnlockGUI: Useful to optimize configuration time when you need to send hundreds of commands
- EnableRF: Turn satellite RF on/off for all signals (replaces SetGpsSatelliteOn)
- EnableSignal: Turn satellite signal on/off. Allows you to control which signals are generated for each satellite. If EnableRF is off for the satellite, all signals are off as well
- EnableSignalForEachPrn: Same as EnableSignal, but applies to all PRN
- SetSatPower: Control satellite power (replaces SetGpsSatPower and SetGlonassSatPower)
- ResetAllSatPower: Reset all satellites power to nominal value (replaces ResetAllGpsSatPower and ResetAllGlonassSatPower)
- SetGpsTime: Set the simulation start time using GPS time. It replaces the command SetStartTime that was using the UTC time
- SetLeapSecond: Set the current leap seconds
- SetGpsSatelliteL1HealthBit,
SetGpsSatelliteL5HealthBit: Set L1/L2/L5 health bit for L2C CNAV - BeginRouteDefinition,
EndRouteDefinition: Allow user to create a custom track - SetGpsEphemerisReferenceTime: Change orbital parameters reference time for each GPS satellite.
- SetSyncTime: Set time delay to start streaming in order to allign PPS out Signal with RF
- AddCNAVMessage,
MoveDownCNAVMessage: Create custom L2C message sequence
- Modified Commands
- SetModulationOutputUsrpX300: Parameter RefClk was added to let user choose between GPSDO or EXTERNAL Clock
- Removed Commands
- SetGpsSatelliteOn (replaced with EnableRF)
- SetGpsSatPower (replaced with SetSatPower)
- SetGlonassSatPower (replaced with SetSatPower)
- ResetAllGpsSatPower (replaced with ResetAllSatPower)
- ResetAllGlonassSatPower (replaced with ResetAllSatPower)
- SetStartTime (replaced with SetGpsTime)
- Added Commands
New Feature in BETA:
- Code Injection DLL (BETA 2, Interface V.2)
Bugs fixed:
- Export Python script on Windows now properly format text file with carriage return and line feed (\r\n)
- Add robustness in Rinex file importation
- Rinex with missing PRN can now be imported
- Coerce leap second when importing Rinex GLONASS Navigation Message file
Release 16.2.6
New Feature:
- Support for X300 equipped with only one daughterboard
Release 16.2.5
New Feature:
- Add support for BladeRF Firmware version 1.9.0
Release 16.2.4
New Feature:
- Remote API: Add functions to get current vehicle trajectory information (position, distance, speed, heading)
Release 16.2.3
New Feature:
- Remote API: Add C# client library
Bugs fixed:
- Remote API: Fix ending of simulation in HIL mode
- Remote API: Fix C++ client library when sending arrays to SDX
Release 16.2.2
Bug fixed:
- Bug fix: incorrect error message indicating “Unable to set Reference clock to External clock” for USRP devices equipped with GPSDO
Release 16.2.0
New Features:
- Add PPS synchronization
- Multiple simulators based on NI/Ettus SDR hardware can now be synchronized with 10 MHz reference clock and PPS
- Add PSR ramp to change pseudorange in real-time
- Let user change navigation message events during the simulation
- Add simulated receiver ECEF coordinates (truth) in raw log file
- Satellite raw log files now include:
- Elapsed Time (ms)
- ECEF coordinates
- Azimuth, Elevation
- Range, PSR, Clock Correction
- Iono and Tropo Corrections
- PSR ramp (sum of all ramps at any given time)
- Logging rate can now be set to 10 Hz, 100 Hz and 1000 Hz
- Add support to import CSV file trajectory
- Multiple changes to Remote API
- Add GetState function
- Add C++ client library
- Sending remote command to Stop simulation when simulation is not running no longer returns an error. It now returns success and the command has no effect
- Remove StopOnCommandFailed function. This feature is now in the application Preferences → Stop simulation when a remote command fails
- Improved HIL
- Latency is more deterministic
- API now using UDP instead of TCP protocol
- API is simplified and works with fewer calls
Bug fixed:
- Fix an issue in HIL mode that was causing jerk even when data was received in real-time.
Release 15.12.2
Bugs fixed:
- Fix crash when running a script for the first time
- Fix python script exportation
Release 15.12.1
Bug fixed:
- For Ettus X300/X310: Limited Send Frame size to 4KB: prevents “Transmission Sequence Errors” on some systems
Release 15.12.0
New Features:
- Add L2C Nav signal
- Add Earth-orbiting receiver trajectory
- Add GPU Benchmark in modulation settings page
- Show modulation settings page when creating a new configuration
- Improve locations search in track wizard
- Add Copy from Clipboard button to import KML track
- Change default power offset at -3.0dB for P-Code and -2.5 for GLONASS
Bug fixed:
- Fix a misaligned track displayed in the map widget for the analysis page
Release 15.11.3
New Features:
- When searching for addresses in the Route Wizard, if the given information is ambiguous, or not found, the Wizard will try to make suggestions
- When importing NMEA file, if is doesn’t contain GGA sentences, or if the GGA format is not recognized, the parser will create a track with only the RMC sentences and set the altitude to 0m
Bug Fixed:
- Improve track validation. It must contain at least 3 points and be less than 300km
Release 15.11.2
New Feature:
- Add GLONASS navigation message modification / corruption
Bugs Fixed:
- NMEA Import: now skip GGA sentences with fix quality set to invalid
- ladeRF: Simulator will raise an error when connected with USB 2.0 instead of 3.0
- Create Route Wizard: Fixed crash when speed was set to invalid value (0 km/h). Speed lower limit is now 1 km/h.
- NMEA Import: Add support for talker ids GL and GN
- KML Import: If file contains multiple tracks or tracks, the user can now select which one to import
- KML Import: Fixed crash when, in some cases, 2 waypoints were at the same location
Release 15.11.1
New Features:
- Add support for BladeRF x40 SDR (BETA). On Windows, you need to install the latest driver from Nuand
- Add support to import KML file to define receiver trajectory
- Improve track smoothing when importing NMEA or KML file
Release 15.9.0
New Features:
- Add GPS L2 P-Code (requires optional license)
- Add GLONASS G1 (requires optional license)
- Add “None Real-Time” option in modulation output target.
- The “None Real-Time” option can be useful to test the remote API without an SDR if you need the simulator to respond as if the SDR was connected
- The “None” option is still available. This option is useful to generate log file for offline analysis as fast as possible
- Add interference injection (CW and Chirp signal)
- Add GPS navigation message modification/corruption
- Add button to export Python script in the Automate tab
Bug Fixed:
- Improve text rendering for various screen resolution and DPI