We are so excited to be adding the team at Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica Unidad Ticomán IPN in Mexico City to the Orolia Academic Partnership Program. There are some incredible programs where I think we can partner in the near future as well as to augment your curriculum with the Skydel Simulation Engine. The partnership between Orolia, AEM and IPN is very powerful and it was especially nice to meet in person to brainstorm on ways to leverage the strength of the 3 organizations.
Thank you Orolia for this beginning. In ESIME we are so excited and glad to start a new way with Skydel Simulation Engine in our academic projects. The partnership between Orolia, AEM and IPN will be powerful in many successful projects in the fields of navigation and telecommunications. “Huelum, gloria” to this team .