Where can I find tutorial, documentation or learning sources for beginners in skydel? I want to start from scratch
Hello Mohdyaser
There are many ways to get you started with Skydel and below are some options.
- There is a basic tutorial in the video section of this forum
- The user guide is on-line and accessible by clicking it at the top of this page
- There are numerous application notes on specific or advance topics
- We often host student workshops and on-line training sessions. These range from a 1 hour introduction to a full day of training.
Currently, we are also in the process of building a full certification program, but that will not launch for a few months. In the meantime, if you would like to do self-pace learning, I would be willing to share a recorded training session that I recently did in Spain (training is still in English).
Drop me a message in this forum if you want to talk through options or feel free to contact me directly at robert.burke@orolia.com. I can probably make this easier for you by doing a customized training session for you and your team
Hi @mohdyaser,
please find also here a quick access to our application notes as mention by rburke:
- Running a basic simulation : https://learn.safran-navigation-timing.com/t/skydel-gsg-8-running-a-basic-scenario/242/4
- Advanced jamming : https://learn.safran-navigation-timing.com/t/skydel-gsg-8-advanced-jamming/243/2
- Advanced spoofing : https://learn.safran-navigation-timing.com/t/skydel-gsg-8-advanced-spoofing/254/2