Please find below simple antenna models to load into Skydel.
.csv files can be uploaded to Skydel and .ant files are the equivalent that can be uploaded to Studio view for the GSG-6.
Are the azimuth and elevation angle for the antenna pattern of satellite defined the same way as that for the vehicle/jammer(‘transmitter’)? I think the 90 elevation angle for satellite is pointing down to the earth surface while the 90 elevation angle for vehicle/jammer is pointing to the sky, am I right about that? How about the azimuth angle?
Yes, we use the same reference. The 90 degree is zenith and 0 degree is the azimuth.
To see it, go to Settings → Interference → Transmitter 1 → Antenna and click on More to display the antenna Gain.
I notice that the default GPS satellte antenna gain at the positive elevation angle is greater than that at the negative elevation, does this mean that the default GPS satellite antenna are positioned to serve SVs in the outer space instead of ground stations? I am sorry that I do not have enough background on the design of satellite antenna pattern.
I believe the definition of angles for satellite is relative to the tangential plane to earth surface. Positive elevation angle (up to 90 degree) means that the satellite antenna is looking to the center of the earth. That is why the gain is max at this angle.