Minerva Academic Partnership Program (formerly OAPP) Definition

This program is designed to build strong partnerships in research and education. With this program, Skydel is provided as a tool to help in research of GNSS and PNT. If you have interest or need additional information on this topic, please contact me directly

Thanks - Rob Burke (301) 943-5062 or robert.burke@orolia.com

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Hi Rob

I am Priyadarshan from Indian Institute of Space Science and technology.
I am interested to know about the tools for GNSS/PNT.


Here is more on the academic program Priyadarshan (link below). You can also e-mail me directly at robert.burke@orolia.com and we can schedule a on-line meeting about the program as well as a demonstration of the innovative Skydel Simulation Engine associated with this program. It is a full donation if you qualify and gives you an incredible tool for all aspects of PNT.