Errors when using USRP to realize RTK function

Hello,Safran engineers, I have a question I would like to confirm with you.

I am trying to implement RTK using a USRP 2954R, where the USRP generates the RF signal, and the other instance is NoneRT, and the RTCM plugin is enabled. After I set up the synchronization, the following error appears: “Can not use GpSDO as reference 10MHz clock with the current configuration.Please, select external 10MHz reference clock.”

I checked the manual and the only relevant description is in the PPS IN Delay section, and it seems that the default is to use an external reference as long as the multi-instance function is enabled, even if I only use one hardware.

I want to know if I understand correctly, if I want to use NoneRT+USRP to implement RTK, do I also need an external reference?

Hi @Akio and thank you for your mail!

Our experts have a few questions, but it seems (at first glance) that the problem seems to be that the radio is not being detected.

  • Have you tried using the radio with a simple (non-RTK) scenario?

  • Can you share the parameters you are using in the Edit>Preferences window so we can see how the card’s timing is managed?

  • Finally, can you let us know what version of Skydel you are running? GPSDO functionality has changed a little in the last few versions and it would be helpful to know which you are running.

Thanks very much and we look forward to your answers.


Hello AD,
① The Skydel version I used is: 23.8.1 (74794D119)
, I upgraded to 24.6.0 (C108C4D69) today and retested, but it still failed

② My USRP can be detected and used normally, as shown below

③ If I don’t use GPSDO, it will prompt as follows, because I don’t have an external clock

Hello AD

I would like to know if there has been any progress on this matter?



Hi @Akio

Sorry for the late reply. I was hoping to report back with some better news.

As things stand now with Skydel, it is not possible to perform RTK simulations on an Ettus radio without an external clock.

We will be updating the error message to make this more clear, and we will soon enhance Skydel’s behavior to support this functionality.


Thanks for your info,looking forward to the update!
