You’ve done a Skydel simulation with your L2C signal only and you can’t wait to track it.
You connect the RF output to your favorite commercial GPS receiver and notice that the receiver does not receive any signal.
Then you start racking your brains wondering what’s wrong with your configuration because you do have the GPSL2C signal feature activated in your license.
Do not worry. What you observe is indeed normal!
It is expected from some commercial receivers such as UBlox, Septentrio and Novatel that if the legacy signal (GPSL1CA) does not exist, the receiver will not be able to track other GNSS signals such as GPSL2C. The main reason for this is that some commercial receivers such as (Ublox or NovAtel) use a primary signal such as GPSL1CA as an essential signal for setting receiver time and computing positions; if this primary signal is disabled, it may cause the receiver is no longer function normally.
To get the PVT solutions based on the GPSL2C signal only, you should first enable both GPSL1CA and GPSL2C signals and wait until the receiver fixes the PVT solution, then disable the GPSL1CA signal from the simulator.
To disable the GPS L1CA in Skydel, go to Settings → GPS → Signal Enable/Disable → Uncheck C/A for All SV ID:
*Note that you can also have the same scenario for other signals such as GPS L1C for example.
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